How to quiet the death rattle? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to quiet the death rattle?


Active Member
December 31, 2008
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Va Beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT 4x4
Is there an oil additive, or a specific oil grade or brand that will quite a faint death rattle in the SOHC?

Will Resoline help? Will Pennzoil Oil be better?

It is just starting, and funds are tight, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

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There isn't really anything other than replacing the tensioners to quiet it down. However, there are many on the site that have gone tens of thousands of miles with the sounds and not had problems. (knock on wood)

Does thicker oil help?

Does thicker oil help?

I was told by someone who sells a lot of ex's that royal purple or amsoil is the best you can do. It supposedly helps reduce the sheer on the tensioners a bit, by nature of its increased lubricity. Can't hurt anyway.

I use in my OHV and I'm very satisfied. Also you can extend oil changes. Downside is its pushing 8 or 9 bucks a quart.

There isn't really anything other than replacing the tensioners to quiet it down. However, there are many on the site that have gone tens of thousands of miles with the sounds and not had problems. (knock on wood)

Knock on who???

Is there an oil additive, or a specific oil grade or brand that will quite a faint death rattle in the SOHC?

Will Resoline help? Will Pennzoil Oil be better?

It is just starting, and funds are tight, so any help will be greatly appreciated.

If you want sludge you can use Pennzoil. I have heard to use Royal Purple.

If you want sludge you can use Pennzoil. I have heard to use Royal Purple.

Yup, Ford specifies a semi synthetic in the LEAST. So you should be using motorcraft or something semi-synth as a minimum.

Ford has changed their recommendation, and now recommends their Motorcraft Semi-synthetic 5W20, which is an excellent oil. However, when the engine was built, plain ol' dino-oil in 5w30 or 10w30 is what they recommended at the time, and any that meet the grade ratings specified in the owner's manual will work just fine.

Sludge is a myth. Those Castrol commercials have really got people paranoid. Show me an engine whose oil gets changed every 3000 miles and uses any modern oil and I'd be truly surprised to find any sludge at all. I had my oil pan off at 120,000 miles, found no evidence whatsoever of any 'sludge', and I've never run anything more exotic than plain ol' Quaker State, Penzoil, Castrol, or Valvoline (whichever I could get for the least amount of dough).

We now return to our regularly scheduled thread.....

To quiet the death rattle, a couple of quarts of 90 weight rear lube should do the trick... But I wouldn't suggest it as a long term solution... :p

Dont try and cover the noise with oil! the fix is cheaper than the damage if it breaks! The tensioners are cheap.....Please do or have it done asap! Too many dead Explorers end up on E bay through lack of doing that job at the right time!!!
We have loads of how to guides here- I promise its not that hard to do.
