How To: Replace an alternator in an Aerostar. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How To: Replace an alternator in an Aerostar.


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November 11, 2005
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88 89 93 95 96 Aerostars
The alternator in this thread is based on the 1995 model Aerostar with a 3.0L engine. The older models such as the 1988 had a manual set screw to lock the position of the alternator. There was a long bolt to adjust the height of the alternator. This was a manual belt adjustment. The later models such as the 1995 use a spring loaded automatic belt tensioner. The alternator remains stationary throughout the whole adjusting procedure. To get started, let's remove the belt, and the electrical connections. Always remember to disconnect the battery prior to performing any electrical work. These three wires & plugs are disconnected:

The three bolts are now removed:

As you can see, there is nothing holding the alternator in place so it could be removed:

The base is in full view with the alternator out of the way. It's easy to see the place where the three bolts were connected.

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Let's take a closer look at the inner workings of the alternator. Here's a break out view:

The diagram says that it's a 3G but it looks like the 2G in the 1988 version. These are the parts on the 1995 version:

Here's a pin out of the internal voltage regulator:

Here's a cross reference chart just in case you want to swap alternators between vehicles:

Aerostar alternator remove

good job on the pictures and the instructions. the cross reference chart might come in handy.
best to you....

:aerostar: :salute:

The alternator in this thread is based on the 1995 model Aerostar with a 3.0L engine. The older models such as the 1988 had a manual set screw to lock the position of the alternator. There was a long bolt to adjust the height of the alternator. This was a manual belt adjustment. The later models such as the 1995 use a spring loaded automatic belt tensioner. The alternator remains stationary throughout the whole adjusting procedure. To get started, let's remove the belt, and the electrical connections. Always remember to disconnect the battery prior to performing any electrical work. These three wires & plugs are disconnected:

The three bolts are now removed:

As you can see, there is nothing holding the alternator in place so it could be removed:

The base is in full view with the alternator out of the way. It's easy to see the place where the three bolts were connected.
This is fantastic! Some of the best and most detailed explanation of anything Aerostar I've found online. I just replaced my alternator yesterday but noticed the little Grey capped wire doesn't seem to click in all the way down. Do you have any pictures or ideas if it is integral for the alternators function and if I can replace these wires in your picture? It seems my replacement hasn't worked yet... Thank you very much!

Welcome to this forum! Are you referring to the single plug between the main power cable & the regulator? It plugs into the alternator. Maybe your replacement alternator is defective?
Thank you for the welcoming! Yes the wire between the 2 others. Does it sit flush against the back of the alternator or does it poke out a bit? Mine pokes out about a quarter inch

Great thank you very much for the help and this terrifically detailed post!
