How-To: Upgrading to SYNC 3, installing a stock GPS antenna and splitter | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How-To: Upgrading to SYNC 3, installing a stock GPS antenna and splitter

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I don't have a part number but you could probably get one from a Ford Service Department.

That’s been the breakdowns list several different antennas for the 2017. I was hoping you had a pic of the bottom of your 2017 antenna that may show the part number.

Okay. This is much more work than I anticipated. I started to drop down the rear headliner then realized the the surround pieces by the rear pillars and side pillars also need to be removed. The headliner is a cardboard type material that can’t be flexed without showing creases.

I also found that my left rear speaker was never connected! o_O

If anyone has any tips on removing the headliner it would be appreciated.
Nor was mine. I thought I blew it somehow so when I went to pull the panel to replace, I found the unused connector with tape over it! Same left rear speaker too.

I'm thinking of upgrading the sync2 in my Explorer to a sync 3 and by browsing through net net i stumbled over this thread.
If I unterstand you right, it's possible to get a sharkfin antenna including the gps modul and connect to the sync 3.
I just need the new antenna and the new splitter, I don't have to change the cable running from the back top to the splitter behind the glovebox, right?

So I just have to find splitter and antenna?

Just wanted to say, Welcome to the Forum.:wave:


Unfortunately 5hundret desing is currently not available.

Anyone got a tip, where to get the sharkfin antenna including gps?

When I upgraded SYNC 2 to 3 I did not change the shark fin antenna on my 16 XLT.

When I upgraded SYNC 2 to 3 I did not change the shark fin antenna on my 16 XLT.
So you are using the gps antenna behind the dashboard?

I'd prefer a gps antenna on the roof, just have to find a place to get it ;)

It worked great under the front speaker area. No issues ever.

That’s been the breakdowns list several different antennas for the 2017. I was hoping you had a pic of the bottom of your 2017 antenna that may show the part number.

I just replaced the roof antenna and upgraded wiring harness with GPS connector. 2016 Explorer Sport. Below are the parts I ordered. Works great with my Sync3 upgrade.

Antenna - JJ7Z-18936-AAPTM
Wiring harness - GB5Z-10E928-A

I ordered the parts from Ford Parts - Genuine OEM Ford Parts and Accessories Online

@MightyGuru Thanks for the info (especially the order numbers) So I just have to safe some money and then I can start my upgrade ;)

hello all, by replacing only the antenna splitter, do I get gps signal? I have 2012 explorer xlt and don’t have factory nav. Upgraded to sync 3 and enable nav using forscan and after market antenna. But always got nav fault at startup and an open circuit dtc. Appreciate if someone could chime in.

hello all, by replacing only the antenna splitter, do I get gps signal? I have 2012 explorer xlt and don’t have factory nav. Upgraded to sync 3 and enable nav using forscan and after market antenna. But always got nav fault at startup and an open circuit dtc. Appreciate if someone could chime in.
Is the sync 3 APIM you upgraded with from a vehicle that did have factory navigation?

hello all, by replacing only the antenna splitter, do I get gps signal? I have 2012 explorer xlt and don’t have factory nav. Upgraded to sync 3 and enable nav using forscan and after market antenna. But always got nav fault at startup and an open circuit dtc. Appreciate if someone could chime in.
You need two or possibly three things for this to work, the roof antenna from a 2017 or later explorer or any other sync 3 equipped ford with the same style roof antenna and antenna connector (Ford Fusions with the non-shark fin work and are generally cheaper, most other models are shark fins, you need one with a dual mustard yellow fakra type connector and a 3 pin flat connector with a single blue wire, make sure you get all mounting hardware as it's different) sync equipped vehicles with the same connector style have a GPS antenna in the antenna base regardless of design, then you need the splitter cable, and lastly you MUST have a XM radio capable ACM unless you can find a cable that has only FM and NAV output, or find a FM and XM splitter and use a fakra "Z" cable to adapt it to the APIM. Long story short, the splitter cable is a bandpass filter that sends XM frequencies to the XM radio and GPS to the APIM, if you don't have either device the other won't work as the resistance of the modules and antennas is part of the bandpass formula, without a load present on a connector the frequencies will be wrong.

You need two or possibly three things for this to work, the roof antenna from a 2017 or later explorer or any other sync 3 equipped ford with the same style roof antenna and antenna connector (Ford Fusions with the non-shark fin work and are generally cheaper, most other models are shark fins, you need one with a dual mustard yellow fakra type connector and a 3 pin flat connector with a single blue wire, make sure you get all mounting hardware as it's different) sync equipped vehicles with the same connector style have a GPS antenna in the antenna base regardless of design, then you need the splitter cable, and lastly you MUST have a XM radio capable ACM unless you can find a cable that has only FM and NAV output, or find a FM and XM splitter and use a fakra "Z" cable to adapt it to the APIM. Long story short, the splitter cable is a bandpass filter that sends XM frequencies to the XM radio and GPS to the APIM, if you don't have either device the other won't work as the resistance of the modules and antennas is part of the bandpass formula, without a load present on a connector the frequencies will be wrong.
Thanks for the details. Appreciate it.

You need two or possibly three things for this to work, the roof antenna from a 2017 or later explorer or any other sync 3 equipped ford with the same style roof antenna and antenna connector (Ford Fusions with the non-shark fin work and are generally cheaper, most other models are shark fins, you need one with a dual mustard yellow fakra type connector and a 3 pin flat connector with a single blue wire, make sure you get all mounting hardware as it's different) sync equipped vehicles with the same connector style have a GPS antenna in the antenna base regardless of design, then you need the splitter cable, and lastly you MUST have a XM radio capable ACM unless you can find a cable that has only FM and NAV output, or find a FM and XM splitter and use a fakra "Z" cable to adapt it to the APIM. Long story short, the splitter cable is a bandpass filter that sends XM frequencies to the XM radio and GPS to the APIM, if you don't have either device the other won't work as the resistance of the modules and antennas is part of the bandpass formula, without a load present on a connector the frequencies will be wrong.
I did the Sync2>Sync3 upgrade on a 2015 Mustang Ecoboost Premium. Car previously had Sirius and there is a fin antenna on the roof. Under the center armrest there is a fakra connector to the antenna. If I run a Fakra extender from the center console to the Sync3 is it likely to work? If not, can you recommend and aftermarket GPS that actually works? I had Navigation errors (Sync 3.4) using Binfu and Eightwood GPS antennas from Amazon. I tried Xtenzi brand which has no errors but wanders off the map while driving. These are installed on the dash below a plastic grill. Hidden Sync diagnostic menu shows 17 satellites and decent signal. Works fine for a couple of streets and then starts to wander off the map. Gyro data to the IPC blinks random directions.

I did the Sync2>Sync3 upgrade on a 2015 Mustang Ecoboost Premium. Car previously had Sirius and there is a fin antenna on the roof. Under the center armrest there is a fakra connector to the antenna. If I run a Fakra extender from the center console to the Sync3 is it likely to work? If not, can you recommend and aftermarket GPS that actually works? I had Navigation errors (Sync 3.4) using Binfu and Eightwood GPS antennas from Amazon. I tried Xtenzi brand which has no errors but wanders off the map while driving. These are installed on the dash below a plastic grill. Hidden Sync diagnostic menu shows 17 satellites and decent signal. Works fine for a couple of streets and then starts to wander off the map. Gyro data to the IPC blinks random directions.
Is the one under the arm rest a dual connector (should be dual blue or dual yellow typically) if so you need a new front splitter and a new roof antenna from a sync 3 year car more than likely. Or you can replace the roof antenna and get a fakra “z” extender and put it on the end of the Sirius connector (yellow iirc) if you’re willing to give up Sirius working, fakra z is unkeyed. Either way the roof antenna is unlikely to have gps stock, I pulled one from a 2016 explorer (last year of sync 2 and first of new electronics) and it didn’t have one.

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I’m looking to change the antenna in my 2023 Lariat Maverick to a Sharkfin. I don’t like the look of the mast style.

Any idea what OEM Ford antenna would work best?

Mine has 2 wires a double black and single red MCPT-19G461-FB. Stereo has Sync 3.
