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HU Question


Well-Known Member
July 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Limited
i have a few questions... Initially I was going to buy the Panasonic CQDF801 because of its high power output... 27watts RMS, and 60 peak. But then I realized that im going to get an amp anyway, and bypass that power anyway, so i mind as well pay for other features...
1) Sirius and XM radio.. what do you guys think of this? Promising? or is it going to be a flop? According to them, they have deals with Ford, GM, BMW, Porche, and Honda. For $12 a month you get commercial free, CD quality radio...

2) Im debating over the Kenwood Z828 and the Kenwood X917, the 828 as you probably know has MP3 capabilties, but the X917 has a higher CD Signal to noise ratio, 105 to 96. Do you think Ill notice that much? Also the peak wattage on the X917 is 50 to the 828's 47, I wont even notice the difference.. right?

Any other suggestions? I kind of wanted Sat. ready radio, but if you think its a flop, tell me some other options.

both of them are very good headunits. they are both 22watts rms per channel, but it deosnt matter if you are using amps instead. both have 4.5 volt preamp outputs, which is very good and what matters. satellite radio seems like a good idea for truck drivers and commuters.
i dont spend hours at a time each day in the car, so i prefer CDs. i dont want to pay a monthly subscription fee for a radio in the car (that's about what i pay for internet access). the quality is much better than FM radio, but it wont be as good as DC audio or DVD audio.
i have DSS at home. if i turn to one of the audio music channels, it will sound good, but a CD sounds better.

if you spend a lot of time on long drives and dont want to listen to your CDs, then you might as well get the sat. radio.

but either headunit will be a good choice.

Steve94LTD - Don't mean to throw rocks at both your suggestions, but look at it as devil's advocate opinions...

I really can't see why those Kenwood units are SO much money. Overall, they don't have enough "better" features that justify spending $100's more than the average $200-$300 unit, IMO. I have a hard time splitting hairs over things like S/N ratios and THD values, when you're listening to music in an inherently noisy and vibrating environment, so I wouldn't get hung up on those items - either HU at that price will sound good. Regardless, save your money and get an average-priced unit, which will allow you to spend more on other things that will give you more bang for the buck, like an amp or new speakers.

As far as satellite radio - I have an even HARDER time paying for something that I can get for free TODAY, i.e. FM music! If you need radio music and you travel all the time, then I'd say that fits. But for casual around-the-town listening - assuming your HU provides good reception - don't do it.

One other thing - I have a GPS unit permanently mounted in my X, and at times I do lose the satellite signal, predictably in downtown areas and certain hilly rural areas. And I'm getting a composite signal from *12* satellites! I'd imagine the same thing could happen to satellite radio - it would suck to have your subscription music service drop out! I would wait and see how it catches on, plus by waiting the price will eventually drop.

Just my 2 cents.
