I cant find the PCV valve.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I cant find the PCV valve..


Well-Known Member
February 27, 2008
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City, State
Twin Cities,Minnesota
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
I've been looking through the site, all the Chiltons and repair manuals, and a dozen other websites and I still can't find the darn PCV valve on my 1998 4.0 SOHC explorer! It's frusturating as heck haha..

I've been told its on the other side of the block near the firewall but I still can't see it. If anyone could show me a picture of the PCV valve on an engine like mine I would be soooo happy and grateful.

This has been plaguing me for almost 8 months now and i feel like an idiot. There is a ton of useful information on this website but I still can't find where the little bugger is...

Thanks for any help

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Look behind the intake manifold . Its a tight fit to the firewall.

i know where its supposed to be and have not found it yet...I am not looking to hard but still...

so you go from the intake manifold and move your way back and it's tightly stuck against the firewall?

I remember that one :D

After looking at the pics again and reading some of the posts, I think I might actually know where it is! I'm going to go try it out.

Thank you for the link

I FOUND IT! there is a T of hoses in the back near the fireall. u just pull on the top of it and pull it out and take the little hose of the top. It is way easier than it looks.

That made my day! lol if anyone has a V6 4.0 SOHC and cannot find the PCV valve: It is waay easier than it looks! I will post pics if anyone needs them.

Photos please

That made my day! lol if anyone has a V6 4.0 SOHC and cannot find the PCV valve: It is waay easier than it looks! I will post pics if anyone needs them.


If you wouldn't mind posting some pics that would be great.

I am trying to locate the pcv valve on a 2002 Explorer XLT. I know they are probably different, but I am hoping I will see some info that will help with my search. I actually want to trace the vacuum hose from the pcv and see if it goes into the intake assembly at some point. I am installing an hho booster and would like to test the results by "T-ing" into the pcv vac line as close to the throttle body intake as possible.

If enough pics of different model years get posted here perhaps it will be a great resource for folks.


Check the links in # 11 in my list of useful threads.

I already saw this thread:http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1895186&postcount=2
and I cant find PVC valve there! read my thread(PIC3):
I shoot my photo with same angle....no PVC!

That made my day! lol if anyone has a V6 4.0 SOHC and cannot find the PCV valve: It is waay easier than it looks! I will post pics if anyone needs them.

come on....lol, show me the deatil photos (mark it with colors),thx alot !:salute:

I'll post some photos of the PCV valve on my 4.0L SOHC 98' in a day or so. That valve really REALLY gave me a challenge but I will show you how conquered it is...
