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I got a problem


Well-Known Member
April 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
West Allis, Wisconsin
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XLT
I noticed just recently that when I turn my heat off that it is still blowing even though both knobs are in the off position. What is wrong with my truck. I was thinking the blower motor may be going or something like this. Any one have any ideas on what is wrong with my truck. Thanks for all the help you guys and gals give us out here on the board. You guys and gals are life savers sometimes:D

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What do you mean by bowing? On the first generation X the vent is still open unless the selector is slid all the way to max A/C. If it isn't you will feel the heat still blowin even though the blower is turned off.

Does it feel like it's blowing when you're stopped? Highway speeds? It's normal for there to be some blowing with the fan off at road speeds because it kind of scoops in air. If it happens when not moving, then you have a problem somewhere...

It happens when?

I have the knob slid all the way to max air which is the end of the unit and it can't go anymore to the left and the round knob is in the off position and it happens when I am in the city or on the highway.:(

i thought on the 93/94's they added a OFF position that would stop the flow of air all together?

i'm pretty sure they did now tat i think about it
