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I have given in to comcast


Well-Known Member
August 28, 2002
City, State
lawrenceville, nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Explorer XLT
I have been beaten down by dial up for the last time I have Groveled to the beast called comcast and got a cable Modem again. god I wish i could get verizon but the will not be ready in my area till next year.

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Dude, cable is so much better and faster than DSL it's not even funny. I tried DSL only because cable was not available at the time and it was riddled with problems. Verizon was a nightmare to deal with and I had frequent connection issues - not to mention they made you install special software on your PC in order for it to work.

My cable modem has only gone down a few times in the 5 or so years I've had it. I actually also signed up for the IP phone which is $30 / month unlimited local and long distance. I basically stopped giving money to Verizon (except for my cell phone). They were so scorned when I cancelled my phone service...more so than some of my ex-girlfriends!

You're about to switch to Verizon, I see it in your near future :p I'm on Comcast but once Verizon's FIOS (fiber optic) comes to my town I'm switching. It's faster up and download than Comcast and costs the same price.

We have Cablevision in my area (Optimium Online) and it is much faster than Verizon. They have increased the speed for NY though and it is cheaper...but you get what you pay for. I'm surprised that Comcast is the same speed as DSL in your area. The selling point of DSL used to be that the bandwith is "dedicated" so you always are guaranteed a certian speed. However their pipe was about 10x slower than the shared pipe of cable and even with all the other people online cable was still faster.

comcast has screwd me over in past but i just halve to do it for now.


But I use them for my internet because they are the only real high-speed option I have. Of course, I pay for basic cable service with them also, because it is cheaper than internet alone. :rolleyes: DirecTV gets all my money for premium channels though. :D

Every provider has their problems. Comcast in my opinion is the least problematic. I've dealt with 3rd level support from Verizon, Earthlink, Yahoo, etc. They all have idiots who don't know what they are doing. AT&T DSL has to be the worst. Was at a customer today who had it. Customer DSL would randomly disconnect from the DSL server. When the router tried to re-connect it would get Cannot get IP from PPPOE server or something like that.. Called AT&T DSL service and had them do a loop line test, they said nothing was wrong. HA! They thought it was still communicating even though it wasn't even in synch.

It's no wonder that all these companies are outsourcing to India. That is a different bag of problems, but the people they have working in the US are usually a bunch of idiots. I don't expect people to know the answer for everything, but at least take ownership of the problem and find the solution. Having done PC support before it makes all the difference if you just let the customer know that their problem is your problem.
