I know what to do, I just don't know what to do | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I know what to do, I just don't know what to do


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
Seems Betty mule is just full of hot air these days.
2000 mountaineer V8
Compressor kicks on and off, pressure is building according to cheap fill kit gauge.

Time for a new compressor, and condenser. Can I flush the lines?

If I acquire the gauges and vacuum pump, will this new tool also work for my home mini split installation?

Edit. I am assuming the orifice screen saved the evaporator?

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This was my solution

Short cycling could just be low on refrigerant

Have you confirmed the blend door is blocking air from the HC, and how hot is the air coming out?

My Mountaineer has had the blend door broken for many years, and my latest 98 has that plus the EATC failed(defrost only). I didn't want to cut into the AC box, but this last one I will be selling, so I went at it and feel more comfortable about it now. Some idiot had cut into the front side of the box and tried to prop the door closed(which is a pull direction), an that didn't work. So this has an extra flap cut into it, I need to change the EATC first to confirm the actuator is still good, before closing up the flap permanently.

I have confirmed it's dying. Dryer line will not get cold. I tried a can of fill, but my cheapo fill kit gauges might be whack. Seemed to leak a lot at the on off valve. I'll try another and report back.

Stupid question, which color orifice do I get ?

Ok, I got another Walmart fill kit, with seal conditioner. The new gauge did read low, so I let it flow.

Blows nice and cold now. Rejoice!

I did notice earlier, the other day, the valve seemed to leak when I first removed the cap . After messing with it though it seems to have stopped. Hope that was the initial leak.
