IAC or not? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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IAC or not?


Active Member
July 11, 2002
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1995 Sport
IAC or not?

I have had all the normal symptoms for IAC problems. Bad Idol, stalling on starts, stalling on hot starts etc…

Thing is I replaced the IAC and the new part ran worse than the old. I took it back and got the part replaced and the new part runs a little better, but still the problem is not fixed. Is there anything else that can cause IAC symptoms?

The new parts is Borg Warner, funny I compared it to the motorcraft part that I took off and they are the same part, meaning made by the same manufacturer. Guess there all made by the same group.

Thanks, Jeremi

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I'll clean them up tonight.

Also, have one other problem, I don't know if it is a simple fix or not. The compressor keeps kicking on and off for the A/C. A year I had the same problem and I took it in and had someone look at it. They said it was a pound low and it was causing it to kick on and off. This time I bought a charger and checked it myself, I don't remember what the reading was, but when I looked it up it was normal. Is it really low on the coolant or is there a leak somewhere that is causing the computer it kick off the compressor? I really do not know much about the A/C system, I'm just wondering if they really charged it or not, or tighten up a hose or something like that. Any sugestions on how to proceed?

There's a great thread on here on how to recharge your AC the right way. It sounds like my problem. I never evacuated the system, just got one of those fill cans and put it in. After reading the thread you'll understand. Good luck,

I got the idea from another thread to start with unpluging the battery for a few mins. Well I'm not sure if that fixed it of not, but it's running perfect at the moment. I drove it across town and parked it, sat there for 5 min and started it up again. It is still running perfect. I'm not going to say its fixed yet, I'll give it a couple of days before I say that, cus you know how IAC's are, but it's looking really good so far.

Oh, I forgot the A/C compressor isn't kicking on and off anymore. I don't have a clue about that one. So, it's defently running alot better so far.
