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Idle problems


September 25, 2011
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95 ford explorer xlt
Hello. New to the site. Looked around for answers and already did what some suggested. For about 2 months the Idle in my 95 Ford Explorer XLT(55,550 original miles, yes original) would drop to around 350rpms when I would initially start to drive. But it would immediately jump back up to normal after like 2 seconds. No other issues. 2 weeks ago, I took a long trip. When I got home I let the car sit for about 45 minutes, then went back out. When I got in the truck, it would start up but instantly turn back off. Did that 5 times, it wouldn't stay started. Bout 2 hours later, I went out and tried again. The truck started right up. So far it hasn't stalled back out on me again, but the idle still goofs around, making me think it's gonna stall again. I have changed my I.A.C., T.P.S., plugs,wires,ign.coil. No check engine light on, and no codes in computer. Air filter and Fuel filter are about 2 months old. I'm pulling my hair out over this.(At least some of the greys are comin out with it) I'm hopin to get some good answers before I take it to Ford and get,....well u know. Also, I've been hearing a single CLICK 1 about every 8 seconds apart. Sounds like it is coming from under the car. Whether it's moving or not, I hear it. So sorry for the long story. HELP!:(

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Maybe clean the MAF sensor. Spray the TB with cleaner, it'll flood the engine but it will start back. Both those helped with my idle issues.

replacing my M.A.F.

Ok, so I'm finally getting around to replacing my M.A.F. It's going to cost my $300.00 from FORD. Has anyone bought an after market piece from a local auto store and had a positive change in results? New not remanufactured. What kind was it, and where did you purchase it? Thanks.

Ok, so I'm finally getting around to replacing my M.A.F. It's going to cost my $300.00 from FORD. Has anyone bought an after market piece from a local auto store and had a positive change in results? New not remanufactured. What kind was it, and where did you purchase it? Thanks.
Did you clean yours yet, what results if you did? Look at Rock auto, e-bay,Amazon, hell, just google the maf and see what you come up with. I'd be interested to know if that fixes your problem.

yep, i cleaned it. took the advise off of threads here to clean it, and what to use. I felt no difference, no change. Then a couple weeks later, i came across a site stating that Ford has problems with the M.A.F., and listing the types. Of course mine was on there, so i figured maybe thats why my cleaning didnt work. maybe. So i figured i would just replace it with an aftermarket one, and see what happens. And since i cleaned and replaced everything else i read about, and heard about, this is my last throw before i take it somewhere. Sorry this is so long.
