Idle VERY rough after Seafoam | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Idle VERY rough after Seafoam


Elite Explorer
November 6, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Winston Salem, NC - Go Deacs!
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Sport OHV 5speed
I've run a can of Seafoam through my engine every 10K miles since 50K. I've got 112K now, and everything was running fine until the last Seafoam cleaning. Now, the engine idles VERY roughly. Once the engine gets to about 2K RPMs, the shaking seems to disappear, but the idle is VERY rough. Enough that passengers (dates) get nervous. I gotta get this fixed.

After searching the site, I've found the following diagnoses/suggestions:
1) Run another can of Seafoam through (did that, no help)
2) Piece of carbon got stuck to an injector
3) Blew a sparkplug

So, first of all, is there anything else it could be?

Secondly, how would I know the difference between a messed up plug and/or a messed up injector? No CEL as of yet. I've driven about 2K miles since the problem began, and my mileage is down about 20% or so. Something is obviously worng.

Any help would be great. I'm in Palatine, IL this summer for work, so I have no access to tools either. Just thought I'd throw that in.... :dunno:


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Will do. And I'll update for future reference.
Thanks Sean!

Yes let us know. Plugs are the cheap easy fix. Otherwise I was going to say you have a fried O2 but I doubt it since it's a high-rpm roughage.

I've run a can of Seafoam through my engine every 10K miles since 50K. I've got 112K now, and everything was running fine until the last Seafoam cleaning. Now, the engine idles VERY roughly. Once the engine gets to about 2K RPMs, the shaking seems to disappear, but the idle is VERY rough. Enough that passengers (dates) get nervous. I gotta get this fixed.

After searching the site, I've found the following diagnoses/suggestions:
1) Run another can of Seafoam through (did that, no help)
2) Piece of carbon got stuck to an injector
3) Blew a sparkplug

So, first of all, is there anything else it could be?

Secondly, how would I know the difference between a messed up plug and/or a messed up injector? No CEL as of yet. I've driven about 2K miles since the problem began, and my mileage is down about 20% or so. Something is obviously worng.

Any help would be great. I'm in Palatine, IL this summer for work, so I have no access to tools either. Just thought I'd throw that in.... :dunno:


Karl when you say ran seaform through your engine how exactly did you do that? What i mean is did you go through the brake booster, intake, gas or oil?

For better or worse, the idle is still rouh and I have yet to replace the plugs. I've been working too much....
But, I think I'll have time Wednesday (July 4th) and I'll post the results shortly thereafter.
Thanks everyone!

Be very careful changing the plugs in a OHV. I nearly crossthreaded my block when I changed mine. You'll need a universal-joint type socket, perhaps a wobble extension and a lot of patience to get the Driver's side back plug out.

I was talking to a mechanic about it thinking that I was a moron for not being able to change plugs and he said that it is so difficult that he uses a tool specifically designed for that plug on the Ford 4.0 OHV engine. Also, you'll probably want to get new plug wires at the same time since they can often be damaged just by the simple act of changing plugs. That can also be quite a PITA.

I replaced the plugs and everything is running perfectly!
I know Vegas had the odds at 1.8 to one if you wanted to bet on the side of the vehicle..... and the "Driver's Side" wins!
