If I go with 265/70/17 tires what size if any spacer would look best on 2005 4X4 EB?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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If I go with 265/70/17 tires what size if any spacer would look best on 2005 4X4 EB??

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try the search area first,, but those will deff help the bumps and smooth out the ride in NOVA,, lol

You will only rub slightly on the inner plastic wheel guard, but you can stop this with the use of a cable tie/zip tie in just the right spot.

If you really want hub adapters, go for 1.5" hub centric ones - I have 1" and have just ordered the 1.5". I'm running 265/75/16 (same as the 265/70/17, effectively), and get no rubbing at with these spacers.

JCUZ are you saying I will rub slightly without wheel spacers, but if I put 1.5 spacer it would be fine. I am seriously thinking about going with RB's lift spacers as well but on the pics I have seen 3 inch front 2.5 back seems a bit much for this size tire??? what are your thoughts on this??

You want lift/coil spacers? Not wheel spacers that push out the tire, correct?

You will only rub slightly on the inner plastic wheel guard, but you can stop this with the use of a cable tie/zip tie in just the right spot.

If you really want hub adapters, go for 1.5" hub centric ones - I have 1" and have just ordered the 1.5". I'm running 265/75/16 (same as the 265/70/17, effectively), and get no rubbing at with these spacers.

I'm looking at getting an 05 EB and I am going to put the 265/75/16's on it from my Sport. How much rubbing did you get without the spacers?

(BTW Donner, love the rims!! They'll look great on the new EB!!)

Hey Donner
I am really looking for the best combination to be honest. I am curious what 265/70/17 would look like if everything was stock. But am also interested in what it would look like with wheel spacers. On top of that what it would look like with RB's lift spacers. I have yet to find pics on the site of any of the above.
I am new to site and have gotten ALOT of info but just want to cover all bases b4 spending the cash.

Hey Donner
I am really looking for the best combination to be honest. I am curious what 265/70/17 would look like if everything was stock. But am also interested in what it would look like with wheel spacers. On top of that what it would look like with RB's lift spacers. I have yet to find pics on the site of any of the above.
I am new to site and have gotten ALOT of info but just want to cover all bases b4 spending the cash.

Look here- http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=223741&highlight=Roadbully

Its got pics of before and after RB's spacers with 265/75/16's.


I'm looking at getting an 05 EB and I am going to put the 265/75/16's on it from my Sport. How much rubbing did you get without the spacers?

(BTW Donner, love the rims!! They'll look great on the new EB!!)

Thank you! :D:thumbsup:

Hey Donner
I am really looking for the best combination to be honest. I am curious what 265/70/17 would look like if everything was stock. But am also interested in what it would look like with wheel spacers. On top of that what it would look like with RB's lift spacers. I have yet to find pics on the site of any of the above.
I am new to site and have gotten ALOT of info but just want to cover all bases b4 spending the cash.

No matter what size spacer, you won't be disappointed. It'll look great! I used different products, and went from 1.5, to 2.0, finally to 2.75. I like the 2.75 best. But mine leans forward, I didn't level it... It sounds like you would prefer a 2.50 front and 2.0 rear? Stock would look fine... but if you use spacers to push out the wheels, you will need to trim the the bumper a little... I'd go with the lift... 3.0 and 2.50... :thumbsup:

Oh, if you put on wider rims, no spacers needed... it'll look sweet! Only RB spacers for the lift...

Sport w/265/70/17s

I'm looking at getting an 05 EB and I am going to put the 265/75/16's on it from my Sport. How much rubbing did you get without the spacers?

(BTW Donner, love the rims!! They'll look great on the new EB!!)

We did an add a leaf for the rear, but need to do the torsion twist(?) up front. The rubbing is only noticeable once in a while, and it's very quiet...

I am thinking or 2.25 front and 1.75 in back for lift but stilll don't know what wheel spacers to use????? Any help or direction would be appreciated from anybody!!!

If you're getting rims, wait on the wheel spacers... you might really like the look w/o spending the bucks. How far out do you want the rims and tires? They'll poke out about 2 inches more w/o wheel spacers.
