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Weldtec kit being the one made my adrian?

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No the one that Soupbone posted.

sweet it looks nice tell me if you get it and how you like it.

yea i couldnt find info on that actual kit on the website how can i find more about it, because it looks nice, and i was told $900? affordable. guys give me info on where to go to find more about it. thanks.



who told you it was $900?

When I called them they said it was $1200 :(

i thought that is what soupbone said. oh well maybe not. i still am looking for a sweet and affordable suspension lift though, and if its 1200 i might have to bail on this one, as i am poor as ghandi.

weird! says in their site $900 kit.
$1200 kit installed. so ummm how the hell can u get it installed if your not even in that area? heh!

I'm gonna call again to make sure of the price, but I'm pretty sure they said it was 1200 regardless.

is that only front or also back? if only front, how much will the back cost seperately?

you could do the back fairly easy, 3" would consist of shackles and a add-a-leaf. but for my buds gonna ditch his 4" lifted leafs on his '91 and go SOA. so there mine! hehe

That's only for the front. It really depends on how much lift I can actually get up front. If I can get atleast 4 inches up front, then I will do a spring over in the rear for less than 50 bucks.

what exactly is the spring over? also, how hard would it be to install the Weldtec kit in the front? could i do it, and if not how much would a place charge? thanks.

They wouldn't charge more than about 4 hours in labor for the front. It's about like doing a ball joint change.

Spring over is when you put the leaf springs above the axle.

sweet that wont be too bad. now to come up with the $1200...

I plan on doing it myself. It seems the only special tool you will need would be a ball joint press/puller, and a torsion bar puller if you plan on doing the lowers while you haveit apart.

Originally posted by Jason_25
I plan on doing it myself. It seems the only special tool you will need would be a ball joint press/puller, and a torsion bar puller if you plan on doing the lowers while you haveit apart.
oop trip to New Bern this summer! :p

If I can get the money :D

I'm gonna have to work my ass off. If it's 800 then I will be able to get it for sure this summer.

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