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Ignorant Customers!!!

I lasted for a few weeks in retail. In high school, I worked at a CVS/Pharmacy. I was at the front counter, at the one open register, and had "CLOSED" signs at the others--including the camera/film area.

After ringing up two or three customers, a lone woman stood at the camera counter. Angrily, she said to me, "You know, I have been here for at least five minutes while you took people who were here after me." Now, I had no idea she was waiting to be checked-out at a closed register.

Me being me, I said, "You know, we put the closed signs up for a reason."

Shortest, worst job I ever worked. :) Now I'm in a profession more tied to aggressive responses.

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Some customers act like they they better then everyone else and act like jerks to use and dont give it a second thought that were the ones working on your car buddy and making your bill, yeah once the work is done they start kissing ass trying to get a good deal....NOPE, I charge them every bolt,washer,brake clean, anything iv done

The thing I don't understand is why you would get an attitude with the guy about to work on your car. It's just stupid, just think of all the damage he could do if he really wanted. I hate letting someone else work on my car especially if I'm not right there watching, even so when I have to take it to a mechanic I always to my best to be as nice as possible because I gurmpy mechanic can only lead to bad things happening to my baby.

The thing I don't understand is why you would get an attitude with the guy about to work on your car. It's just stupid, just think of all the damage he could do if he really wanted. I hate letting someone else work on my car especially if I'm not right there watching, even so when I have to take it to a mechanic I always to my best to be as nice as possible because I gurmpy mechanic can only lead to bad things happening to my baby.

I admit i dont change my oil. I dont care to pull a tranny or anything else on the truck but i hate changing the oil. so i take it to a place and let them do it. I dont let my explorer leave my eye's.

Thats another thing that gets me ticked off, is people wastching your everymove..Yeah sure if your friends with them I dont mind, but when someone I dont know is standing by me getting in my way everytime I move it pisses me off...now our shop is thinking about only having employees only, and if they complain were just going to say it's insurance reasons.

Lol, i'v got a story about a customer who thought he knew it all...His car wouldnt start or would start then die, I told him i'll look into it in a hour, he said it sound like the fuel pump so I would fix it, I said just let me make sure,but he didnt want to wait a hour..So he spents $350 on a fuel pump and i install it in about 30 minutes and guess what, the car wouldnt start...the guy was gone for lunch at the time, i did my teasting (like I would have done befor he gave me his dumb opinon) and found out it was just a fuel filter..

So, total cost, $350-pump, $15-filter, $65-labour....Customers always right, and I laughed
