IM D*mN ProUD of my first Stuck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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IM D*mN ProUD of my first Stuck

i just got back about ten minutes abo after gettin stuck in a bog. I have shackles, spacers and 3 inch BL(for sake of the story, and to avoid an argument)
with 32.0x 11.5s... I LOVED IT.. well you see im only 16 and havent had the truck long. U should have seen my dad he hit the roof. i got aride back to my house in a friends cheerokee and my dad had to pull me out with his 2003 f 250. HE WAS PISSED. i was stuck in some rEALLY sloppy mud..... about 3 inches over my front 32.5s... low range 4 didnt even budge me.... cant wait till i get the straight axle and 302 soon..... all you guys talkin bout spendin so much on car washes why dont you buy a cheap pressure washer.... thats what i got and it does wonders.... HAHAHA IT WAS GREAt

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any damage?

none that i can see yet.... i mean even my pride is doin fine....... although my baby was stuck as can be

If you had fun it was worth it. Next time get some pics.;)

word of warning, check your wheel bearings and all seals, trust me, I've been there, and have paid the price of non preventitive maintanance, 10 fold. Mud is not your friend, and you will learn fast. Although playing in the slop from titme to time is recomended in moderation:D

ahh yes, the first stuck... its always memorable :).

my parents reacted in the same fashion the first time i got stuck. oh well, what can ya do, mud is ADDICTIVE :rolleyes:

congrats bout some dang pics :bounce:

my digital cam isnt workin right now..... ill try and fix it and get some pics...

My first stuck, I was 14, my mom would let me drive time to time. Back in the Isuzu Trooper (R.I.P) days. There was a huge dirtlot by our house, "development" and it had just rained a few days previous so it was really muddy, bout foot and a half deep, which is pretty deep for a trooper on only 31's. Long story short, I went in some deep tractor ruts and got stuck. Took me 45 mins of jockeying to get it out. She never went offroading with me again after that, lol. Least she wasn't mad. I've got millions of stories like that. I'm not even gonna go into my old style of urban offroading. Ahh to be 16 and stupid again.

yeah the first stuck is always memorable, mine was when i was going down a hill and slid to the side and stopped just in front of a tree. the tree stopped me from getting all the way down the hill and the mud stopped me from getting up the hill! getting me out took a jeep on 42s and some tow straps:D

my first stuck.. wow, just last summer.
And it wasn't in mud, a rut, or a ditch.. I got my rear dif high centered on a tree stump! And damned if it just HAD to rain, when all I had on was a shortsleeved shirt, and we were in the woods. Talk about mosquito heaven (Alaska - The Mosquito is our state bird!)
me and my buddy tried for about an hour or 2 to try and get the dif off the stump.. we didn't have no trail tools heh..
after bein soaked for god only knows how long, we called his dad to bring a comealong. Got unstuck, and decided to take the long way out (got stuck at the end of the trail and couldn't make it up, which I think was partly due to a blown hub :mad: )

That was with my 31x10.50s.. oh yeah, this was in my Bronco2 BTW.
Surprisingly enough, I didn't get stuck in a big ass mud hole with my bald-ass worn down 235's the summer before :D

haha, my first stuck, playing in a constuction site, big "no no", I was following some dump truck ruts in my old 88 Bronco II, which had 235/75 on it, and they rubbed. well, I think the trucks found a soft spot in the site prior to the day I was playing, and I'm moving pretty good. yep, High centered in a dump truck rut. Now for the best part, put the truck in 4 low, and reverse, nothing. Threw some rocks under the tires, nothing, me and my buddy get out and start pushing the truck backwards, while the wheels are turning under their own power. Truck grabbed traction, and took off with no one behind the wheel, good thin I can run:D That was the last time I played in a construction site

I remember my first stuck. It was in my 94 F-150 Flairside. It was in good ole River mud. Just a litte run off the side of the road where we went all the time. But this one time we just sunk and sunk. Well when we finally decided to get out to check and see how bad it was. The doors wouldn't open. We had sunk to about 6 inches below the door handles. This is in a 2 inch lifted F-150 with 33" tires. So we climbed out the windows and went looking for a little help. Took 3 trucks to pull me out of the hole. I wish I had a cammera with me back then like I do now.

My first was up at stave lake(huge mud flats) in a completely stock 93 XLT, was touring the dry paths threw the flats admiring the trucks on 44s when it started getting slippery. I was in 4HI and my bro just said "walk on it" so i opened her up and kept her as straight as I could. Once my revs climbed I layed off enough to keep them up there and momentum kept me going. Got back onto the dry patch and kept going(slower) until we realized we had to turn around and do it all again to get out. So did the same thing except faster, took air, started a nice powerslide, made the corner and then ended up getting stuck. Blew the auto hubs and turned into 1 wheel drive. Ended up getting towed out by an F250 on 44s. Fun day.

man the first time i got stuck...i just got my truck and i decided to test it out for the first time.. i went back on a trail known for major puddles. I made it half way threw the trail when i reached a puddle that was about 4 feet deep. Me and my friend decided, wat the crap and went for it... wat a badddd idea. i stalled out my truck and had to bash on the starter to start it. After it started the truck ran fine.... but then 3 months down the road danger struck!!! I hit about 110mph and left over water that stored itself in the intake bin, shot up into the engine and WAMO, no more engine. It cost 5 g's to get a new one. So now when i go threw puddles, i take them slowy to make sure the truck can handle it......

rofl, all newbie first stucks.. mine was major. i was out romping around in our old 73 chevy monster truck and saw a pond... (kinda like a place where cows go to drink, man made) i figured i could do it i mean **** we had a 8 inch lift with 42's? but umm the pond was about 6 foot deep :rolleyes: . i gunned it and got about 3/4 way through and the back tires sunk and sunk and sunk :eek: . the bed was boards and the water was flowing into the bed filling it up.. my friend jumped into his 88 ford and attempted to pull me out.. my front end begun to rise up.. meaning my back was still sinking i thought i was gonna loose the whole thing with me in it!
but my friends 454 big block prevailed.. my front end came crashing back down as he floored it and i stomped the gas peddal.. the beast didnt even stall! i got pulled right out and immedaitly assest the dammage. it pulled my duel exaust pipes about 3 inches lower than they shoudl be.. broke the bolds that held it up.. and i lost the spare tire :mad: . but other than that it was ok.. about 6 hours of cleaning at a redneck town, the whole population of like 60 was out asking what happend and watching the cleaning process.. i took it that the town never really saw action.
