scariest experience of my life! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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scariest experience of my life!


Rollin on Dubs
November 12, 2001
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98 EB
well if u guys didnt know i seized my engine a few months ago. and my dad said no more offroading after that. and after about 3 inches of rain a few of us had to go! so we went off and i was fine til we saw this huge puddle. i went threw it and there goes the engine. i try and turn it back on and it is just starting to turn over, and goes "putt putt, putt putt" i slowly reved it a bit hoping to shoot out the water. and it worked. after little revs i put it to about 4k and out shot the water out my flowmasters!

u would think i would go back after that one but i didnt. i went on and got pretty dam stuck and waited for about 5 hours for my friend with a 9000lb winch came and got me out. alot of my friends tried to pull me out, didnt budge. i got pics of me getting stuck. dunnno how to put them on here tho. im def. not going pitting anymore until i do TT and 31s

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Wow sounds crazy. How's the truck been running lately since it got water in it?

that isnt too scary... although that situation does suck....wait till you have a rollover, those are always scary ;)

i would die if i rolled over! if i was older i wouldnt care, but im 17 and my dad would kill me

I can understand how scary that is. My engine seized in a mudhole too and if it were to ever happen again I think I would just die.

If it dies and you suspect water is culprit arent you supposed to pull the plugs BEFORE trying to restart?

having to get a new engine is no fun
