i'm having trouble installing lower billet grille | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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i'm having trouble installing lower billet grille


Active Member
February 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Huntsville, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 4.0L SOHC V6 Explorer
maybe i'm just retarded, but i can't seem to install the lower billet grill! the top one was a piece of cake but whoever manufactured the bottom part must've been on LSD.
the instructions are the ****tiest instructions i've ever been supplied with
i guess thats what i get for buying it off ebay

although the grille itself looks amazingly immaculate.

if anyone can help me or give me any tips, suggestions, pointers, on how to install the lower part, PLEASE let me know!

i'm sorry if this post is in the wrong spot

mine had mounting holes in it so i just used screws and screwed it into the vertical black parts on the bumper. there are 2 vertical black parts that are behind where you put the grill.

If memory serves, mine came with clampy looking things (like a solid metal paper clip with a hole if you will) that I was supposed to be able to screw right into.. however, the plastic bits it seemed the things were supposed to go in didn't have enough space to accomodate them..

I had to "modify" the metal things so they'd fit in the plastic square space - to do that, I cut one side, that allowed me to squish it in there.

My apologies for the poor description, I don't have the instructions or anything left to give a better wording of what's what..

I also had to modify mine some....I also used spacers to step it out even with the bumper....it was originally to sit back in there, didn't like that look. Keep playing with it....you'll get it. I think I drilled some new holes in the pieces behind the grill
