imobiliser | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stu bag

Active Member
September 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Guys
Has anybody managed to bypass the imobiliser on a 1997 explorer
l think the R,A,C are getting PxxxxD OFF with me calling them.
Tried holding the fob next to the control unit in the back,No luck


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Thanks for that but my key looks to small for a chip to be fitted.
Mine seems to work of the fob,Dont know if that would work,


Contact Henson Performance one our site vendors listed on the bottom of the main page and get a SCT tuner and custom tune from him.. He can turn off the PATS lock function on your truck.

You can get more remotes programmed to the immobiliser unit, just take it to Ford. I assume that your last remote has stopped working.

No when l park at some places the remotes get bloked by other radio signals
from phone mast,hospitals,taxi ranks and so on.
They stop the remotes from opening the car. Remotes themselfs work fine.
Thanks for the answer though.

Yes did try that but had a bit of trouble finding the immobiliser id
any idea where it is.

Just spoke to customer services who gave me the
Ford technical help line number (£1 per min)
ripe off or what
ha ha ha ha


That is quite an interesting problem. I assume that when this happens you take off the jack cover and put the remote inside there, where the receiver unit is located. The manual says that the remote should operate within a distance up to 30 metres.

Have tried that Ian but does not work.
Have to have car piggy backed away by rac.

its ford TSB 107
the id should be on the bosh box at the Front of the jack compartment
failing that m8 maybee a 2nd hand unit with fobs is the way to go

I believe that you can get rid of the immobliser, one of the options being replacing it with a replacement alarm/immobliser system, there are ones that are designed to get rid of the Bosch 951 immobliser/alarm system.

However, like Rich said, it would probably be cheaper to get hold of a second hand unit (with several remotes, as ford charge 56.00 per additional remote and an hours labour to program more) and see if that fixes this problem.

The only way to program more remotes is through ford, none of the procedures that the RAC/AA have on their computers for the Bosch 951 system work with the Explorer, as it will only respond when you enter the unit code.

Yes was looking into another alarm to try and get round the system.
thought pats system was supposed to stop you getting it nicked not stop the owner driving it. :confused: :confused:

sounds like replacement if you cant get the code.....

thought pats system was supposed to stop you getting it nicked not stop the owner driving it. :confused: :confused:

Your 97 does not have the PATS system. The Fords PATS system has a chip in the key which has to be programmed to the unit. :D It is fitted to 98's and later models. You can tell by the key and the remotes which have two or three buttons.

just spoke to mate at the garage and the chap that might help me out with code is on holiday till next week, so will see if he can help.

Stu :salute:

Hi Howard
Sorry asumed that it was fitted as could not find any info on any other
system thought the chip must be in my fob.
It does have a factory imobiliser fitted thats given trouble.


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The problem with the early units is that they work on the same frequency as our mobile phones hence they get swamped. The later PATS units are on a different frequency and so do not suffer from this problem. I don't know if it is possible to fit a second hand PATS unit to a 97 but it might be worth investigating. As your unit simply immobilises the system it should be possible to just remove it and do some re-wiring.
