Info on a 2" drop? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Info on a 2" drop?

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Crush it

dude u shld just go all out n crush it like i did mine, i dropped min 6 and 3. mine is 4x4, everyone says u cant do more than 2, bullshit mine drives fine, a little bouncey but nuttin mechanicaly wrong, mines sittin on frame no bump stops in front my wheels are kicked in almost 2'' but it looks sick, go big or go home u wont regret it.


I just checked your cardomain, you don't have a true 6" of drop on your Explorer. You have about 3" of drop, and (ridiculously) small tires...with your line of thinking I could slap your wheels on my X, and claim I have 8" of drop...

If that is your daily driver, the tires have to be wearing CRAZY fast.....your right it DOES look sick.....but not in a good way. Your are hitting steel-to-steel with no bumpstops, and no adjustable suspension...only a 'sick' person would do that. And your comment 'go big or go home'.....well you have not 'gone big'.....where does that leave you?

And if ANYONE here takes your comments literally, and does what you have done. I can GUARANTEE that they WILL REGRET IT.

I have 2WD, with 3" drop beams, and 2" springs that have settled a bit giving me exactly 5.25" of drop..

But I am using STOCK height tires, and I'm tucking a little bit of rubber. PLUS I have adequate suspension travel, and at full compression I am even tucking some of my 18" rim.


I have 2WD, with 3" drop spindles, and 2" springs that have settled a bit giving me exactly 5.25" of drop..

Just so nothing gets confused or twisted, the 3" drop spindles Ryan is referring to is actually an aftermarket modified i-beam which raises where the spindle sits in relation to the stock i-beam.

Not like with Chevy trucks that the actual spindle drops.

... well, that is unless Ryan has gone and done something completely new and untried again, lol

the ibeams are basically single control arms they only hold the spindles. as for go big or go home......... bag and body drop that thing on 20s then talk :)

Josh...I fixed my wording...good looking out!...

Nope, I haven't made a Drop Spindle....YET. I was just so mad that this p***r was claiming stuff that he has no clue about, and I couldn't type straight.

I am going to guess he is somewhere between 16 and 20 in age..


I am going to guess he is somewhere between 16 and 20 in age..


Watch it there bud, lol, I just turned 21 in September. So I guess that's good, lmao

Sorry for bumping an old thread, but...

Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I rather not create a new one that would clutter the forum. I recently lowered my mounty using 2" blocks in the rear, and TT in the front. The front right is maxed out and the front left has about half a bolt to go. This is the only way the front end is level. The truck itself sits level but the wheelgap is about an inch more in the front. Is this normal?

Rear Gap:

Front Gap:

Rear View:

Front View:



It almost makes me want to change out the rear 2" blocks for 1" blocks since I cannot adjust the front any further, but I will wait to see what yall's opinions are first. Thank you!

Hmmm I have never herd of this problem before, Your truck looks fine in the pictures... Maybe my contacts are ####ed up? Take some pictures of all four wheel wells with just like you did but have someone hold a ruller in the same spot every time for me?

Thanks for the info guys. I spoke to a fellow member here who has an identical truck to mine and performed the same drop. he says his settled over time. I hope mine has the same outcome or else I will change out the rear blocks for 1" to get a more even look.
