Info-Setup-Reset What would you buy? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Info-Setup-Reset What would you buy?


Well-Known Member
April 15, 1999
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City, State
Milwaukee, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer XLT SOHC
I'm looking at two 2005 XLT Sports, the one I like with the V8 does not have the Info-Setup-Reset feature, the V6 does. Does this really make a difference? Does anyone use it after the first six months? I guess I could go either way on the engine, but this feature has me wondering if it's that important, of course the dealer with the V6 says he uses his all the time and would miss it if he didn't have it. What do you think...go for the Grunt or Punt?

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Grunt. The only thing I leave ours on is MPG. Don't care about the other crap.

I have the info/setup/reset thing and it is not all that great. It is neat to be able to track your gas mileage and see how far you can go until empty but I would not miss it. If I wanted the V8 I would get the V8. Mine has the V6 and it does pretty well for power and I average around 17mpg in town. So I am not sure I would want the V8...

The display (on the '05) performs a few additional functions like manually locking the transfer case on a 4x4. We have it on the Mountaineer at work and it's a handy feature (or would be if it was a 4x4.)

If that's the only thing that's going to make the difference for you, flip a coin. The engine selection would be a much higher priority in my book.


I have a 99 Eddie and would almost rather have storage where that screen and buttons are... they take up a lot of room. The MPG is nice and once in awhile the range is fun, but not that big of a deal really.

The plot thickens, the one dealer calls me back this morning and complicates my decision, I was set on the V6. Now he has a clean ‘05 XLT V8 with the in dash computer thing on the lot at a grand more because it’s extra clean. I did go look at it at lunch time and it is very clean and I do like it. How does $16.5k sound o.k. for a ‘05 XLT Sport V8 with 18k miles? I hate to see the ‘97 go, but I’ll find it a good home.

As always-Thanks for the help!

That sounds a little high. Maybe 14 -15,000, but not the 16.5
