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Information Screens Go Blank

Dashboard Cluster Display Screen(s) Blackout

Hi everyone,

My 2014 Sport will on occasion (like once every 2 weeks) suddenly go black while driving. After about 10 seconds it comes back on in the same fashion it does at start-up, as if it re-booted.

Anyone else with this problem or a fix? Is there a way to re-boot the system? Just one thing to note- When this happens the NAV screen is unaffected.

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The two side screens?

I assume you are talking about the side screens around the speedo? Our new 2014 EX has done that three times in two days. It only has done it while we are actively navigating a route. The first two times the nav was recalculating the route. I thought possibly it has to do with the recalculate. However it blacked out once later while we were navigating but not recalculating. It also does not look like they blink on & off like a bad display, but they pop out from the center when they come back like it does when you change screens. It actually looks to me like a software glitch as opposed to a hardware issue. Anyone else? Has your displays blacked out other than during navigation? And by during navigation, I mean the main display is on the nav screen and following a route.

I had the same issue. I rebooted the system by using the program on this web page. It was easy. Just add it to a USB drive and install it. I haven't seen the issue again. I had it several times before I did this.

Thank you! I will try this!

I assume you are talking about the side screens around the speedo? Our new 2014 EX has done that three times in two days. It only has done it while we are actively navigating a route. The first two times the nav was recalculating the route. I thought possibly it has to do with the recalculate. However it blacked out once later while we were navigating but not recalculating. It also does not look like they blink on & off like a bad display, but they pop out from the center when they come back like it does when you change screens. It actually looks to me like a software glitch as opposed to a hardware issue. Anyone else? Has your displays blacked out other than during navigation? And by during navigation, I mean the main display is on the nav screen and following a route.

Yes, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Your description of the issue is better than mine. I have had it happen both during navigation and non-navigation.

2014 Explorer Sport Instrument Panel

My wife just told me that her instrument panel went dark and started back up while she was driving this morning. Anyone else experience anything like this?

A few people have mentioned this and I think there was a tsb for this on the earlier model years. Do a search for instrument panel or instrument cluster and see if you can find it. I'm on my cell so can't help out at the moment

My wife just told me that her instrument panel went dark and started back up while she was driving this morning. Anyone else experience anything like this?
By instrument panel do you mean the 2 information screens on each side of the speedometer or the speedometer alone or as well?
There is an existing thread on this issue in the 'IVT' forum and I will move yours there.


Ours did the the same thing twice during the first week off ownership. It has not happened since.

Mine is doing the same thing. It has happened about 12 times since delivery 2nd week of september. i have it in the shop now for this and a buzzing during acceleration (3rd time for them to look at this). Mine has happened with and without using nav.


2014 XLT

Dash Display Screens Cycle On/Off

Took our 2014 Explorer Sport into dealership with Dash Screen issue. They stated needed an update to software. Now we will see if this is a valid fix. Time will tell...

I got a 2014 Sport with 3miles on it. I took it on a trip to Seattle and noticed my instrument panel would black out (lights turn off) anywhere from 10-20sec at random while driving. When the lights would come back on none of my settings were changed or anything, meanwhile all of the lights in the vehicle were still working including the touch screen ect and headlights. I actually found one thread mentioning a similar problem but I can no longer locate it which is why Im making this new thread. The other person mentioned they were not able to get it taken care of yet. I took mine into my dealership and told them about the issue. They said ford has a TSB out on this now and right now all they are doing is completely replacing the entire instrument panel. So i got mine replaced. If anyone else has had this issue you should go get yours replaced

I've had this happen three times in the past two months. The displays come back on in a short time (usually 10 seconds or so), and as long as they come back on I can live with it. It sure is disconcerting when it happens! I'll ask the dealer to check for codes next time I'm in for service and hope the problem doesn't get worse.

I am having this same exact issue with my 2014 displays on either side of the speedometer.

I will try re-installing the software.

I am having this same exact issue with my 2014 displays on either side of the speedometer.

I will try re-installing the software.
Welcome to the Forum Fulwave.:wavey:
Are you talking about re-installing the MFT software? If so, that has nothing to do with the 2 information display screens.
Just going through this thread, this appears to be an issue with the 2014 model year. I suggest that you take it back to the dealer so they can at least document it. If you want, you can also send a private message to Rebecca (FordIVTteam) and she may be able to get things going for you. You can use this link;
Include your name, daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and dealership info in your message. Good luck.


Happened to us this past weekend twice within a 1.5 hour drive to Baltimore in our 14 Sport.

As noted, duration is about 10 seconds and then things come back on automatically.

Tried the reboot trick.... didn't work for us.

We did find TSB 13-9-21 which looks pretty interesting.... Can someone get the details on the TSB?


Bettina & Brian

Happened to us this past weekend twice within a 1.5 hour drive to Baltimore in our 14 Sport.

As noted, duration is about 10 seconds and then things come back on automatically.
Tried the reboot trick.... didn't work for us.

We did find TSB 13-9-21 which looks pretty interesting.... Can someone get the details on the TSB?


Bettina & Brian
Welcome to the Forum :wavey:.
From what I've been able to find, that TSB is for the 2014 Explorer.
2014 Ford Explorer Digital Instrument Panel Service Bulletin 360004

NHTSA: Action Number: 10054322 Service Bulletin Number: 360004
Report Date: Nov 08, 2013
Component: Digital Instrument Panel
Summary: Ford/lincoln: on some vehicles, the information display would become blank, intermittently, on instrument cluster. Model 2013 edge, 2014 explorer, 2013 mkx. *pe updated 1/15/14. *pe


Ours did this today as well. I guess its just another item to add to the growing list for when I take it in for its "FIRST" oil change....

My 2014 Sport has been doing it habitually. I just took it to the dealership today and they tried to tell me it was a result of my aftermarket HIDs. Well how come it shuts off during mid day when my lights are completely off? I have given them a photo of it as well. We shall see what their next rebuttal is.

I have a 2014 Exp limited with 3 thousands miles on it. I was on a 200 mile trip using the navigation and 4 or 5 times the two screens behind the steering wheel would go blank for less about 10 seconds. The nav screen stay on. This has only happens with the nav on. I was just wondering if anybody has had this problem before I call the dealer. Everything seems to be normal. The system has the latest software. Thanks in advance on any help.

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Cluster/display goes out

Bought my 2014 Explorer Sport brand new Sept 2013.
Had this same problem of the display/cluster just randomly turning off for a few seconds then coming on again. It's been doing this ever since I got it and the only pattern I can see is that it mostly happens in the winter.
I've taken it in multiple times to get it fixed but they say no codes come up and they can't find the problem. Last time I brought it in they say they replaced the entire instrument panel but I'm still having the same issue.
I guess I will keep taking it in and keep the documentation so at least if they can fix it after my warranty expires I shouldn't have to pay.

On a side note. Does anyone know how to make it stop honking everytime I get out of it while it's running? I just does a double honk (very annoying) but doesn't actually lock or do anything. Also is there a way I can purposely lock the keys in? When I try it just honks and unlocks the doors. I go running and want to lock the keys in and just use the keypad to get back in like I used to on my older explorers.
