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Install lights behind ac vents?

Hi, I'm new to this site and have been thinking about installing lights behind my ac vents for an accent light. I would be using a 12 volt white automotive bulb, drilling a small hole behind the vents and running it to a switch so that it can be turned on and off. I was wondering if anyone has done this before and if anyone thought that the hot or cold air would effect the bulb. I saw this done in a Grand Am and have been thinking about trying it on my X.

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The only side effect I can think of would be leaving the bulb on too long, and the heat melting some plastic...Or air whistling out the drilled hole.

use leds
they dont' get hot and are much smaller
try varad ones from www.thezeb.com
they are very bright@!

Thanks, I'll check out the varad leds, as I was trying to use some green automotive accent bulbs that I had puchased from Advance Auto, but for some reason they turned yellow. Not sure why, probably just a cheap bulb. They did not get hot, and I've not noticed any leaking air. But I'm still working on a setup that looks good and wont blind you. Thankfully I have a spare vent that I'm experimenting with. Thanks for the tips.

I painted the inside of the vents with some silver paint and clear coat to help reflect the light. I installed a blue LED in each one which is hooked into my alarm. They look at night but can't be seen in the day.

98black.. u got pics?

I don't have pics and my dig. cam is getting repaired. When I get it back I will post some pics. Oh ya, they are actually installed in my side window defrost vents, on top of the dash.

If you need any help e-mail me. Check mysite out, i've put neons and strobes in all six vents.


CMEGLOW......i've seen it before, bad X. I love it! Shame its gone. Well, I didn't use leds, I ended up using green 12v bulbs with a difuser panel installed infront of the panel. I had two vent panels to play with as I picked up an extra at a junk yard and just happened to like how it turned out. I think it looks good like an led since I used the difuser panel. I will post pics once I get my Digital camera back from my sister. I want to do more to my x but I am on a limited budget, I think indiglo gauges will be my next project. Also, bmxboy how did you supply power to all your neons? Where did you wire them into the fuse panel? I don't want to keep blowing fuses if I add more lights.

I ran an 8 gauge wire with a 60 amp fuse directyly from the battery to my switches...


Bmxboy what are you running off the switches ?
I hope the switches are rugged; if something should shot out there will be 60amps running to something, TOAST !!! Hopefully the vehicle will still be there.

That kind of currect should be controled under the hood.


eh, i know what i'm doing, im not stupid.

I bough a heavy duty 60 amp relay to use for my main kill switch, and then had about 20 other swtiches to split up the 60 odd amps running from my battery.

I've been into neons for over 2 years (as with systems) and have never had a melt down or anything.

If you go to my www.cmeglow.com site you can see when i instal things, i go the extra mile and don't cut the corners.


Double Post.

Please delete this post...


I had no intention to call you stupid but if you take heat over what I said then I apologize.

Most people do not know enough about wiring at the 60-amp level and 60 Amps inside of a vehicle, unfused, could have more problems than it would be worth.

Good Luck on your project...

Oh, i realize you weren't! :) Didn't mean to act snippy toward you...

Many times people just don't think that 19 year olds know alot about wiring and such, so I like to go that extra mile in my instals to show it can be done well! :D
