Instrument Panel DONE w Pics! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Instrument Panel DONE w Pics!

I wanted to change the old ugly green to a more modern, bright white lighting. This is how I did mine and what the end result turned out as.
You will need-
9/32, 7/32 socket/ nut driver...knife/screwdriver...and a GPS (check spedo when done)

First off I had to take out the ash tray and two 9/32 screws that hold the assembly into the dash and unplug the wires that were behind it.



Then peel apart the dash trim by just popping out the little tab pieces all the way around the plastic. and unplug the 4wd harness to get it all the way out. You will need to work the trim around your steering column...




Now that you are down to the interior assembly of the panel, take your 7/32 socket and take out the 7 screws that hold the clear plastic cover and the black trim out freeing your gauges and needles...VERY IMPORTANT! take several pictures of your panel with the car ON and OFF just to make sure that you get them in the correct position since you will be removing the needles and the whole assembly.



Next you just need to pull off the separate instruments individually, and take the needles and screws out to peel the black plastic cover off. once the black plastic is off, scrape the green/white film over the numbering, use some spray adhesive on both sides of the plastic and instrument, and put them back together...Before I put my instruments back together on the panel, I replaced all of the bulbs with "194" LEDs off of takes 5. Turn the car on, and place the needles back to the correct spot.

This was my end result...

Make sure that your speedometer is reading correctly by having someone ride with you with a GPS or some sort of accurate speedo and check your speed.
After you are sure of your needle placement, put it all back together and let it glow.:D

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Thats awesome! Thats deff. a first for a 1st gen I think lol.

Im gonna do something like that to my 95...but I wanna do them in blue

yeah, i think blue would look good. i thought about it, but my stereo is green and white and my rear washer and defrost are still green so i figured ill just go w white to match it all...I love the bluish/ purple though! like the VW's...

What do you scrape the backing with? I have a 92' and i've been toying with the idea for a while.

I used just my pocket knife blade, I tried some thinner, but you have to be very careful with will smudge everything...even a coin should work.

Alright thanks. I'll try it, even though im bound to screw in up lol

haha, that's what I thought going into it...just take your time, I learned that...have fun w/it!

looks good keep up good work

How do you get the needles off? I was pulling on them pretty good but i don't want to break them.

take a flat head, or knife blade and just work at em...i thought i was for sure going to break mine, but they just popped off (the black part is a weighted

Thanks. I usually tend to stay away from things that break easily. But I am so sick of that green. Its so old and dated.

Yeah, i dont blame you one bit. I was hesitating on not doing it when I got into it, just because of that fact.

Well, I dove into it last night. I bought blue lights from the local advance auto. It came out nice.

awesome, post some pictures!

I will try and get some pics tonight. I wish I bought LEDs instead of blue coated regular bulbs. It's still bright enough so its fine.
