Intercooling the 4.0 ohv/sohc with Ford Supercouper M90 | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Intercooling the 4.0 ohv/sohc with Ford Supercouper M90

I figured I better start a new thread, as my old thread goes on forever detailing my 4.0 ohv M90 install, motor rebuild (Funny thing about that), etc. Here's the original thread that brought me to this point:

The issue I am currently having with my M90 install is that I am attempting to increase boost, but cant get the intake charge cool enough. I tried water/meth and had limited results. James with Henson performance just cant do anything more with the tuning till iat's come down.

So, Ron at RPCaster (Building an intercooler for me), and Tim (Vroomzoomboom) who is going to perform some magic on a hood cowl (It was either that, or a body lift to get the additional height for the intercooler). These are the two components I am not able to do myself.

I have detailed logs of my iat's, and am going to do a dyno session before and after install. This will give some great real world numbers.

I'll detail the whole thing as I go (The good, the bad, and the ugly).

For starters. Here is what Just came in the mail.


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I'm not too happy about the grief in pulling my sc off, apart, then cost of shipping and time to fix the error of installing the rotors bvackwards. I am impressed that he contacted me and came clean without disapearing in to the darkness of the internet. I havnt discussed shipping with Logan yet, but will hope he will at least pay shipping to get it back.
Another real cost will be the cost of new snout oil and sealant.

I went with a less expensive solution, and its costing me. Ill just get it done, and press on with life. We all make mistakes from time to time.

I'm thinking of installing my ic when I pull my m90 oFf to send away. Then I'll go for a drive to see Tim to measure up for the hood. I see no reason why after measuring I couldn't just set the ic to the side, un-pug the pump, and put the sc and hood back on.

The only real mechanical unknown is belt length.
WAIT WHAT!!??? How is it even running like that?? Can they even be installed backwards? ? I would be asking for a complete refund and compensation:mad:

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The rotors were in backwards?
I wonder how that was effecting boost, and heat generated.
Sorry to hear you are having problems.

I think the backwards rotors explain some of the issues. I don't think anyone thought they could go in backwards. If you look at the pic of the rotors you can see it. I'm sure there will be higher overall boost with this fixed.
I'm amazed it ran as well as it did.

No point in getting pissed off, just get it fixed up.

I think the backwards rotors explain some of the issues. I don't think anyone thought they could go in backwards. If you look at the pic of the rotors you can see it. I'm sure there will be higher overall boost with this fixed.
I'm amazed it ran as well as it did.

No point in getting pissed off, just get it fixed up.

I'm going to have to look at this work closing the bar.but if its that simple it would be easier/cheaper just to fip them your self..saves time and shipping cost....

I'm sure there is an easy way, but I doubt I'd be comfortable with it. I'd have to press the rotors out of the plate, switch them around, and time them before pressing them back in. Probably with in a few thousanths of an inch. I don't know that a feeler guage would do the trick.
Maybe I'm just being squeemish about it.

I'm hanging out while the place empties out also. Young crowd. Average age must have been 18. No fights to deal with tonight, I was surprised.

I'm sure there is an easy way, but I doubt I'd be comfortable with it. I'd have to press the rotors out of the plate, switch them around, and time them before pressing them back in. Probably with in a few thousanths of an inch. I don't know that a feeler guage would do the trick.
Maybe I'm just being squeemish about it.

I'm hanging out while the place empties out also. Young crowd. Average age must have been 18. No fights to deal with tonight, I was surprised.

Yea true..I honestly don't know what's all involved. .why I sent mine away too;)

Lol yea last call is 1:45 here so its cleared out now.just having a ""shift drink"" its the combination of older and younger crowd that causes problems here..young folk don't respect the older crowd and the veterans feel like they need to prove something. ..I cool with both so normally it don't get outa control once I get involved.


What is the name of the place in Plant City? Plant City, is actually not too far from me.

Where's waldo?

Look at the rotors on the one, then compare them to the black rotors. You can't see the black ones as well, but follow the edges of the rotors. They don't follow the lines of the case.


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Look at the rotors on the one, then compare them to the black rotors. You can't see the black ones as well, but follow the edges of the rotors. They don't follow the lines of the case.

O wow.this could be the source of all your problems. I don't know how it even ran like that.that TOTALLY screwed you for the dyno!!! I say you can expect HUGE gains now with the IC and blades the right direction! !;)

Ya, I might have to do another base dyno. ****ty.

Ya, I might have to do another base dyno. ****ty.

I'd love to see it but paying for it again would be ****y:(

Wow, that is wild. Which way is correct for the rotors to be mounted?

you were making what, 12 pounds of boost? now watch, it will be something like 20! i was going to say, call me when you pull the the blower off, but i guess we are beyond that now.

The IAT's were probably really high at all times, and that's a lot thinner air.

If it(rotors fixed) does really improve the boost/efficiency/IAT's, then the power should be far higher for the same boost.

The rotor lines should follow the lines of the case. The black (coated) rotors are backwards. Logan will make it right, minor set back.

Thing is, to mount the intercooler, it goes:
1. mount intercooler to M90
2. mount intercooler to M90 lower engine intake plate.

So, do I proceed with plan on my backup M90? ****. This really throws a monkey wrench in everything. Even my base dyno. Ugh.

The rotor lines should follow the lines of the case. The black (coated) rotors are backwards. Logan will make it right, minor set back.

Thing is, to mount the intercooler, it goes:
1. mount intercooler to M90
2. mount intercooler to M90 lower engine intake plate.

So, do I proceed with plan on my backup M90? ****. This really throws a monkey wrench in everything. Even my base dyno. Ugh.

Personally I wouldn't do a dyno with the old sc and ic...I would wait till I get the charger if you had funds I would like to see old sc on the dyno without ic, for an accurate base line.after everything that's happening i know doing another base dyno may be outa the picture. .

But I would wait till you get the good sc back and ic, then get a good tune and lay down some good numbers.base numbers was really just for us and others to see what a ic adds, not really that important;)

I'll ship the rotor pack tomorrow.
Maybe I'll see if I can work a deal with the dyno shop on 2 more sessions.

I really wanted a before and after IC dyno.

Its both, money and labor. Nothing is ever straight forward and as planned, that's for sure.

Personally I wouldn't do a dyno with the old sc and ic...I would wait till I get the charger if you had funds I would like to see old sc on the dyno without ic, for an accurate base line.after everything that's happening i know doing another base dyno may be outa the picture. .

But I would wait till you get the good sc back and ic, then get a good tune and lay down some good numbers.base numbers was really just for us and others to see what a ic adds, not really that important;)

I agree with that, the extra time and cost for a new dyno test isn't critical. If you still had to do one, then it'd need to be without the IC. That isn't a small task to R&R the blower.

I'd probably use the old M90 and the IC, to allow you to begin retuning the PCM. It will need some tweaking, and each step takes more time etc. I'd shoot for close to the final goals.

Maybe do the old M90 and IC, and begin the new programming, upgrade the exhaust, and finalize the tune when you get the good M90 back again. There is some time involved with each new tune, so you want to make as many changes between tunes as possible.

Interesting thing is, by going to my backup m90, peak boost had gone down 3 lbs (from 10 to about 7), but low end torque has increased. Its really easy to spin the tires at low speeds now. Lower intake temps? No idea.
Anyway, the rotor pack left today. Probably going to be a 3 week turn around (5 to 7 days shipping each way).

Getting the rotors installed the right way can only mean good things for performance.

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Ah, so you have the old blower on it already?
