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is it a good deal?


New Member
November 28, 2004
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bremerton wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
explorer 96 xlt
I have a chance to buy a 1996 ford explorer xlt, v-6, 80,000 miles for $5000. i worry about the tendency to "tip" but figure by adding heavy duty shocks and springs it would be more stable. also, i am being told that at about 80,000 miles the transmissions go. it would be used for every day driving, hauling kids, skiing, and during search and rescue missions some unimproved roads/tracks. can anyone help with some answers?

thanks much

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First of all welcome to the site, tipping or rolling over is a sterotype, you don't need heavy duty shocks to keep an x from rolling over, I have a 3" lift and drive mine like I stole it and have never come close to tipping knock on wood :hammer: Is it 4wd or 2wd, my tranny didn't go out till about 145,000, with proper care & maintance you can go a lot longer without having to worry about it ;)

Welcome to the site.. You should be fine, however the transmission can be problems.. I have 130,000 miles on mine and the only issue I had was a bad seal. Just periodic maintance on it will take care of just about anything. In regards to the rollovers, don't believe the BS you read/see on the news. I've managed to get my truck on 2 wheels a bunch of times driving around in town but then again I have no sway bars & on 33s.. Most people who suffered rollovers were the result of driver error. They often over-correct themselves.

I wouldn't worry about the rollover thing all that much. They are much more stable than the media would like you to think. Heavy duty shocks won't due much. If you are that concerned about rolling, I'd lower it an inch or 2(very easy, and cheap)and get some bigger swaybars.
I also wouldn't worry about the transmission. The 80,000 mile thing was for the V6 trannies with the a4ld/4r55e/5r55e. The 7r40w(AODE) tranny is quite reliable. Call a local transmission shop and get their opinion. Oh and, welcome to the site!! :bounce:
