Is my battery going bad? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is my battery going bad?


March 14, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
fort lauderdale florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 mercury mountaineer
In the last week or two I'm noticing alot of battery acid on my negative battery post/terminal. I clean it and a few days later I'm cleaning it again. Is my battery going bad?

It is my experience that when the battery starts spewing acid all over the place that the battery's days are numbered.

Also check the actual voltage while its running. (dont rely on the stock gauge) Make sure you're not overcharging.

Well I found out why it was spewing acid; I took the cover off and found a crack on the negative post base and I know how that happened everytime I disconnect the terminal to work on the car when I put it back I always bang on it with whatever I'm holding: a wrench,ratchet,screwdriver etc. Not doing that anymore!
