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Is The Belt Too Loose?


Well-Known Member
April 1, 2011
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2000 XLT 4.0 SOHC 4DR 2WD
I installed a new serpentine belt.

There are three arrows on the arm of the spring tensioner. There is a diamond-shaped mark on the base of the tensioner. The tensioner has adjusted to slightly past the farthest lefthand arrow.

Is the belt too loose, i.e., is the new belt too long?

I'd attach a pictuire, but I'm not allowed to post attachments.

2000 Explorer, 6 cyl, 4.0L, SOHC

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Here's a picture (if it attached successfully).


i have never noticed the little arrows before haha... there should be about 1inch of play in the belt. not too familiar with the SOHC but grab the belt somewhere and see how far it moves. it should be tight, but should be able to move it about an inch or less. anything over that is probably too loose.... you could also put a ratchet in the tensioner and see if its applying tension that way too

Serpentine Belt Length - Conclusion

After giving the serpentine belt some time to "settle in," I've come to the conclusion that it's slightly too long.

Advance Auto recommended the Dayco 5060868 (86.75" long). This is the belt I installed. It's too long.

I recommend either the Dayco 5060865 (86.5") or the Dayco 5060860 (86.02").

2000 Explorer, 6 cyl, 4.0L, SOHC.

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