Is this a good deal on a dana 44 out of a waggy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this a good deal on a dana 44 out of a waggy


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2006
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MOORESVILLE, North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
i am looking into a sas and i want to do leafs and i found a guy who is selling a lp44 straight off the waggy for 400.00 is that a ok deal or what need to know like right now...

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If thats a stock axle w/o any modifications, thats waaay to expensive.

yeah its stock nothing done to it. Can i convert a hp44 out of a bronce to run leafs?

Sure, with enough work.

with enough work that most of the time means its a ***** to do, besides what do you get more flex/lift out of leafs or coils?

with enough work that most of the time means its a ***** to do
It's not too difficult, hardest parts are going to be

1) The driver's side spring perch usually ends up on the differentials so I think most people end up mounting the leaves outboard of the chassis.

2) Slicing the inner knuckle or "C" to set the proper caster angle.

As I said in our conversation via PMs, look over the other SAS threads. In particular, look at Section525's SAS thread, I think he used a Wagoneer D44 with leaves.

I think in general, almost all of the SAS configurations has been done on this forum so most of you're questions should be somewhere in those threads -- you just gotta do lots of digging ;). But hey, thats part of research and planning :D

Also, for the Wagoneer axle, dont pay more than about $200 for a stock one.

I have a fullsize ford axle and waggys leafs, the drivers perch is half on half off the cast part, easy to make work.

Check out the link in my sig for more.

^-- heh?

i bought my waggy 44 for 100 dollars....aka no its not a good deal.

i got my waggy for fweeeeeee...
