Is This What I Think It Is? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is This What I Think It Is?


January 8, 2015
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2002 Ford Explorer XLT
(Thats ice crusted around it)


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Hell, the Hawaiian guy knew

Clean up those contacts and give it a go!

Hell, the Hawaiian guy knew
Who woulda thunk? :scratch:

However, we do we pay a premium for nice tropical weather and being the most isolated populated islands on earth.

If the truck has not been running for a while, when you plug it in you will hear a sort of gurgling/bubbling noise. You may have to put your ear rather close to the grill. Or you can grab a continuity tester and if you have resistance you should be good. If it shows an open circuit either it or the cord will have to be replaced.

If the truck has not been running for a while, when you plug it in you will hear a sort of gurgling/bubbling noise. You may have to put your ear rather close to the grill. Or you can grab a continuity tester and if you have resistance you should be good. If it shows an open circuit either it or the cord will have to be replaced.

Ok will go see if I can get some beep and gurgle....BRB :D

From the looks of the ice, fortunately you have a working block heater.

Who woulda thunk? :scratch:

However, we do we pay a premium for nice tropical weather and being the most isolated populated islands on earth.

Never been to Diego Garcia, eh?

Oh, and since it is covered with ice, that means it'll be wet when you send power to it.


You'll probably want to solve that before plugging it in.
