Isuzu Rear Axle? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Isuzu Rear Axle?


Well-Known Member
January 25, 2006
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Toledo, Ohio
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A friend of mine works in a junkyard and was telling me he has a rear axle out of a 97ish isuzu rodeo. He said it is a dana 44 with disc brakes and the factory locker.:eek: He also has the wagoneer axle im interested in and he said the isuzu axle is the same width and has the same 6-lug pattern. I have searched and confirmed that they came with a dana 44 with disc brakes and figured this would be my best bet for the Ex. I was curious if anyone has ever used this setup. It seems almost too perfect to not be used. He also said that he thinks it came with 4.11s but i kinda doubt that. If this is all true i am thinking about using these axles with the front radius arms from cage off-road and he has some 6inch cherokee springs he would sell me cheap. Then i will just bolt up(hopefully) the rear with some lift shackles. Any info on this setup or the isuzu axle would be awesome. thanks:salute:

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Make sure you know what you are getting into

A dana 44 rear end is weaker then your Ford 8.8, alot weaker

Although if it does have the factory locker and 4.11 gears it would not be a bad rear end behind the 4.0L.
I would stick with my Ford 8.8 31 spline myself

Are you prepared to do a solid axle conversion on your Explorer? alot of people spend $1500-2000 ea rebuilding their new junk yard axles before installing the,

I'm slowly preparing myself. My friend works at a junkyard and gets me big parts cheap and i work for midas and can get new parts at cost if needed. I also have access to torches, welders, lifts, etc....
I have been planning for awhile and just havent made up my mind exactly how i want to go yet.

In what ways is it weaker? I saw pics of an isuzu with this rear axle and they just had a truss on it. the guy was running 38s i believe without problems.

weaker in every way
Your 8.8 31 spline is more comparable to a dana 60 then a 44

dont get me wrong the D44 is a strong rear end, but it wasnt strong enough for Ford to use in their 4000# SUV's

thats a good point.
