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"Its Dyno Time"


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
On Saturday 3/10 my black beauty will be getting its dyno re-tune.

I am dropping it off on Friday to have the plug gaps widened to .065 for the Screamin Deamon coil and have it double checked for vacuum leaks, don't want to have the same thing happen that happened with the last tune.

I have installed countless upgrades since the first tune which gave me 165hp and 218tq at the wheels.

I am looking for 200+hp at the wheels which should be achievable.

I plan on videotaping the whole event for the Aldive

The best part is if I make the numbers Jakee will eat crow once again :bsnicker:

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I could care less about a video, Lazz, just post the numbers.

Good luck and I do hope you reach your goals.

Are you still going with nitrous?

post those numbers asap

Sweet! May have to do the same. I was going to the Kent Raceway on the 11th for a "test and tune", but I have a broken lug that can't come out until I get the back ordered rear rotors (seized). Broken stud = failed tech inspection and no 1/4 mile timing slips for me.

That's OK, I should be able to get it dyno'd soon.

LiveWire rocks!

You have to remember that this is an AWD dyno and I am told the numbers are about 20% less than what a two wheel Dynojet measures.

The last thread about a dyno run by Lazzman ended with no numbers. Hope this one doesn't do the same.
