It's here! My '14 Limited just arrived! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It's here! My '14 Limited just arrived!


October 24, 2007
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'14 Explorer Limited
Ordered on 9/16, built 10/15 and delivered on 10/18. I just missed it coming off the truck and both I and the dealership were not expecting it till early next week.

'14 Limited 2wd, package 301A and Bliss (67B), white platinum





Unfortunately I just got to spend 10 minutes with it. It was a little dirty on the exterior with a ton of greasy hand marks all over it. So it's going to paint and detail and prep tonight and tomorrow. Unfortunately I'm going to be out of town over the weekend so I'm not taking delivery of it until Monday :-(

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Congrats! Great looking truck.

And wow! That's crazy fast. Only 4 weeks! You ordered a few days after I ordered my Sport that's not expected in for another 4 weeks.....

I just noticed you live near the plant.....ship time was basically nothing....

I just noticed you live near the plant.....ship time was basically nothing....

Yes. The plant is on Torrence Ave on the south side of the Chicago metro area. I am in the western suburbs so yes I guess being in the same area def helped with delivery time. Still a nice surprise as we were expecting it next Tuesday and it showed up today! It literally got on the transporter this morning and was at the dealership by 1:30.

Is it Monday yet? Lol.

Congrats! Great looking truck.

And wow! That's crazy fast. Only 4 weeks! You ordered a few days after I ordered my Sport that's not expected in for another 4 weeks.....

Thank you. Can't wait to get her all cleaned up and detailed to my standards and snap a picture or two. :)

Yeah take a bunch of them.... No matter how insane you are about detailing (I speak from being there...) she will never be quite this clean again. Enjoy the moment.....!

Thank you. Can't wait to get her all cleaned up and detailed to my standards and snap a picture or two. :)

Ordered on 9/16, built 10/15 and delivered on 10/18. I just missed it coming off the truck and both I and the dealership were not expecting it till early next week.
Unfortunately I'm going to be out of town over the weekend so I'm not taking delivery of it until Monday :-(


Congrats on the new Explorer! It looks beautiful. :)

Let Crystal and I know if you need anything in the future!



Congrats on the new Explorer! It looks beautiful. :)

Let Crystal and I know if you need anything in the future!


Thanks Ashley and Crystal!

Well we took our delivery today! The Explorer looked great all shined up and detailed! You have to admit, the new car smell is great and seeing only 3 miles on the odometer is even better!

Here are some quick pics from today.



Sitting right at home parked next to her older sister

Interesting little piece of tape I found on the B-pillar. Must be QC at the plant. Yes there was a little small impression on the B-pillar. Nothing that I would worry about. Glad to see it was looked over this well


So the Explorer has 8 miles on it and well it received new Weather Tech's, have some nice keyed security lug nuts (spare from my mustang) so those are going on, Shark Fin antenna going on it the morning, and a 3M Clear Bra being installed on Wednesday and windows tinted.


Oh and one other quick thing. SHE IS STINKY! Holy crap. The 5 miles I drove her, when I got out it smelled like something burned in my area and then I realized it's the Explorer. Guess a lot of the oils and grease is burning off the exhaust pipes.


Congrats on the new Explorer! It looks beautiful. :)

Let Crystal and I know if you need anything in the future!


Hi Ashley. I`m the site admin on another Ford board (not Explorers) & we also have a Ford customer service agent (Deysha, know her?) So now if I have any trouble with our incoming Explorer, I know who to contact.:D

OP: Nice ride. Just curious, did they still charge you the $750 or so delivery charge even though you live so close??

Hi Ashley. I`m the site admin on another Ford board (not Explorers) & we also have a Ford customer service agent (Deysha, know her?) So now if I have any trouble with our incoming Explorer, I know who to contact.:D...

Hi kenv,

I know Deysha well! I'll let her know that her fans are spreading as far as the Explorer forum. ;)


Hi kenv,

I know Deysha well! I'll let her know that her fans are spreading as far as the Explorer forum. ;)


Thanks, She`s good people & has helped many of our members as I`m sure you guys do here also.:thumbsup:
