JBL SWAP FROM 93 TO 94... NEED HELP! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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March 5, 2003
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'94 XLT
First of all, this is a great site! I have been lurking for a while because there is so much info and I haven't had anything new to post. I totaled my '93 XLT when a 16 yr old tried to hook a left turn right into my path two weeks ago. I just bought a '94 XLT that has the High-Level Audio sys w/ the cassette deck. Can someone tell me what it would take to move the JBL system w/ the CD player over to the '94 with the HI-Level system. I slid out the CD deck and swapped it with the cassette deck but the only the radio works. The CD player will not work so I suspect there may be a bunch of stuff that will need changing. Any ideas? Any help will be very much appreciated.

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If your new Explorer has the premium, non-JBL system (i.e. cassette head unit with a separate amplifier) you should be able to put the CD player in and it work fine. I don't understand how it's possible for the radio to work, but not the CD. I'm assuming it's the factory CD player? If you can be more detailed on what you mean by the CD player not working, but the radio working, I might be of more assistance.

As far as moving your JBL system, your amplifiers and subwoofers are contained in the right, rear quarter panel of your trunk. All you need to do is remove your current amplifier and replace it with the subwoofer and amplifiers from your old Explorer. I believe the only connections that need to be made are to hook the grey cable from the head unit to the black JBL amplifier, and hook the speaker out cable to the black JBL amplifier. The subwoofer amplifier should be connected already. Also, you'll need to move your 6x8 speakers from the door panels.

Creelove, Thanks for the reply. There is something wrong with the HU. It won't play the CD. I put it back in the wrecked car and put the power on and it would not work there any longer either. I just tried to open it up but my star drivers don't go that small. Can I just buy a new CD/mp3 deck and plug it in with aftermarket harness adapters and have it work with the JBL system? Thanks for the help.

I added a sony head unit to my 94 with the JBL system. Just make sure you get the right aftermarket adapter for the system. The guy at the audio store said there are a few different adapters out there.

Yeah an aftermarket head unit with the appropriate adapter should work. There a bunch on Ebay (here's a link to one: Dead Link Removed though I'm not sure if it'll match year wise). Make sure you get a harness that is for the 91-94 year Explorer. Also, if you go to http://www.crutchfield.com they have wiring harnesses for sale. Plus, you can call or email and they'll help you pick the right one. Good luck.


Does the HU put out line level voltage? I saw your link to the adapter and it had RCA connectors on the HU end. Do I need to get a deck that only has a pre-amp in it?

I actually once had a Sony CD deck that was an AM/FM CD Player that had only line level outputs. I don't know if they make those anymore. If you're looking for a cheap CD player, try to find another Ford stock CD player. If you're looking for an aftermarket player, almost any player will have RCA preouts. I'm looking into getting the Sony CDX-MP40 CD/MP3 player with remote that a lot of people on this board have used. It goes for about $150 on EBay.


OK, I went out and bought a Sony CXD-L510X CD/MP3 player. It has line out left & right but the adapter that was on the e-bay link has 4 RCA connectors on it. Is that the wrong connector for the '94 Premium system? Do I have to use Y connectors? I saw another connector that did not have any RCA connectors at all. Confusing:confused:

There are two ways to go on this one: first get a Y adapter from Radio Shack and use the RCA type harness. The problem with that is that you lose the fade (front to rear) control of your stereo. The second option is to use the harness without the RCAs and instead hook your speaker outputs to the harness. This way you'll keep the fade control. There's a harness at www.crutchfield.com that uses the speaker level inputs but has gain adjustments for each channel to customize the level (harness), but it's really expensive (though I've seen a few on EBay for a couple of dollars).

Also, I looked at your CD deck and it isn't an MP3 player. It plays CD-Rs and CD-RWs that have been burned, but not MP3 files. It might not matter to you, but I just wanted to let you know in case whoever sold it to you said it did.

Thanks for all your help. I will get the harness from Crutchfield if I can't find one on e-bay. You're correct, the deck doesn't play MP3s.... not that I care. I would not be playing MP3s in the car. It would be a pain in the butt searching through a hundred songs while driving. With blank CDs available for >.10 MP3 files are better for storage.

I ordered the harness from Crutchfields even though it was 50 bucks. I will still be able to use the fader and it will be a nice clean install. One more question though... Do I have to take the dash faceplate off to put the outer case in for the new Sony HU? Had an MRI and found out I ruptured two disks in my neck in the accident and I gotta take it easy. If it will slide right in I will attempt it, otherwise it may have to wait. Thanks again for all the help.

I can't answer that one. I am getting my Sony deck this week. I'll let you know when I install mine.

Just got done swapping amps& subwoofer. Will do the door speakers this weekend. Got the crutchfield harness and slid the new Sony HU in tonight. What a difference..... it's amazing how much better the CDs sound. Thanks to everyone for all the help. This is a great site, the knowledge pool is phenominal.
