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Joe's new ride

Looks like Joe got a new exploder to destroy:D


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Got insurance on it today and fixed the vibration (bad u-joint) and new spark plug wires, so now it is running pretty good needs a new muffler and some interior pieces replaced but I am going to start daily driving it since the kid totalled his camaro and is driving our van now.

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So the camo paint job is on hold for a while? Is your kid ok?

The kid is fine, But he is having dealing with the insurance company.
I had intended not to put any money in the front end because I am going to put a EB44 there, but the front rotors had some warpage in them so I put some cheap rotors and wheel bearings in from Oreilly's and I installed a new thermostat now the rig gets up to temp instead of luke warm.

The kid is fine, But he is having dealing with the insurance company.
I had intended not to put any money in the front end because I am going to put a EB44 there, but the front rotors had some warpage in them so I put some cheap rotors and wheel bearings in from Oreilly's and I installed a new thermostat now the rig gets up to temp instead of luke warm.

You just can't win. The BII gets too hot and the Ex won't heat up. Where's the middle ground?

Thanks to TOTALLED I have a EB44 sitting in the garage now:thumbsup:

And then...? :p:



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Picked up a 4.10 disc brake 8.8 rear today so don't have to mess with gears now.
Now I am looking for linear rate 4-6" lift early bronco coil springs and early bronco trac-bar.

Forrest has some 3.5" (I think) james duff EB coils off his ranger and I have a track bar that was under mine.

Coils are yours if you want them, they serve no purpose for me, should also have some factory radius arms soon. Let me know if your interested.

Coils are yours if you want them, they serve no purpose for me, should also have some factory radius arms soon. Let me know if your interested.

I am interested, I also am looking for 1 end cap for a radius arm and 2 lower coil spring seats and retainer.
I got about 4 months to get this rig ready for this winter

:banghead: I just took two end caps to the scrap yard last weekend, I do have the lower buckets and retainers though. Sounds like we need to set up a naches run in mid to late August so I can get some parts to you:party:

update, i have end caps for you now too. went and picked up some duff arms today and grabbed the end caps for you

update, i have end caps for you now too. went and picked up some duff arms today and grabbed the end caps for you

Thanks, where did you find the duff arm?
I started swapping out my rear this last weekend and remembered how much I dislike working on nonlifted rigs.

I remember how much I hate working at home without a lift in my shop... screw work, lets just go wheelin! Did you get a new tire for the Bronco?

I remember how much I hate working at home without a lift in my shop... screw work, lets just go wheelin! Did you get a new tire for the Bronco?

No tire yet

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