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JoshC's SAS #2

I guess i'll follow the trend like so many others on here. D44, 9" full width. I picked these axles up late last year or early this year i don't remember and they've been in the garage taking up space. I've been gathering parts for a little while too.

So far i've got:
-Yukon 5.13's
-Quick Loc locker for the D44
-Full steel spool for the 9"
-Radius arms drilled and tapped to fit the lower ranger coil bucket so i can keep my existing coils
-New ubolts for the leafs

I think that's about all i've got. The 9" third member is done, we regearded it a couple of weeks ago. We started on the 44 and quickly noticed that the idiot at the local off road shop, which is no longer in business, sold me a low pinion gear set :mad: So now i'm stuck with this gear i can't even use :fire:

Here's what i got done last night and today


I'm head up to the shop tonight to swap my tires over to my new rims. I think i may pick up a set of new radius arms, maybe something like the james duff arms like these


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Does that second picture of the hub look right? Cause when i put that piece of the warn hub in, it butts up against the shaft. That's why i was confused.

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Anyone have any clue as to what type of metal the crank adapter is made out of? I've talked to 2 experienced machinist and neither could tell me. I need to know!

Does that second picture of the hub look right? Cause when i put that piece of the warn hub in, it butts up against the shaft. That's why i was confused.
So what your saying is that when you put brand A in, it fits fine but when you put brand B in, brand B does not fit?

No, i've only got one set of manual hubs. Warn's, as you can see from the picture, they don't seat all the way in the bearing hub.

Sometimes when they are new you have to tap them in, gently. :)

Got the D44 hubs/rotors finally on. I've been busy and blah blah blah. I'm missing 2 little pieces for my calipers. I believe the book called it a Key, it bolts the caliper down to the bracket. Anyone know what i'm talking about and where i could find them?

I'm a little lost as to what the key is.. typically there are I think only four parts that hold the caliper on to the backing plates: two sleeves to allow the caliper to move back and forth (float), and the bolts themselves.

caliper slide pins?

Well that's what i was thinking, but this one is different. I have an old chiltons manual and it shows the set up i have. I googled last night and found the slide pins. It's really odd. I'll have to scan that page today and post it so you can see.

Did scan the picture but i was up at Advance Auto returning some cores and i was talking with my cousin about what i needed and actually had them listed in his book, so he ordered me a couple. They are called caliper keys. Kind of like a key way.

I've got a big problem with a starter too. I'm really going to need some help on this one. After i get home i'll posts some pics.

are you using a fullwidth ford axle?

Mine has 2 slides with notches that slide in the bottom of the caliper and wedge it in the bracket. Then a bolt goes through the notch into the bracket and clamps it fast.

Yes FW.

And yes that's the piece you described. I wasn't sure how it worked that's why i gave such a poor description.

its a wedge thing that looks like an " I " right?

I don't know but i'm really glad you brought that up because i need to pick them up :D

kinda like an I, with two round notches cut into one side. and one part of the I is missing on the side with the notches

we just rebuilt a 3/4 ton 44 in a 77 f250 and i was like oh, thos are what josh was tryin to find....so i wanted to mention it...

Does anyone have a pic of this part yet?

Cauz I rebuilt my Wagoneer D44 with Chevy 8-lug outters and I dont remember this thing

i think cheys bolt on and dont use these wedghes....

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those things are a pain in the rear. i've only taken them out on my axle and i am not excited to try and get them back in.

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