Just bought a 07 explorer xlt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just bought a 07 explorer xlt

Nasty Nuggets

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July 22, 2013
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2007 explorer xlt 4.0
Hey guys, i just bought an 07 explorer xlt 4.0 with 80k miles on it. I got a good deal on it but problem is I was told that nothing has ever been done to it beside oil changes/brakes. Any recomendations what i should do to it before its my daily driver? what fluids to change?thnx for help

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lift it

I meant as in general maintenance but if I had the money I'd lift it lol

It's not that much :)

Mines lifted

reply the thread

My wife just bought a 2006 Explorer. The dealer made a selling point of the MP3 capability of the built in CD player. So I popped in one of my many MP3 CDs that I play in my other Explorer (Dynam) and not one of the discs is recognized. It sits there for over a minute and finally ejects it with 'BAD DISC' in the display.

What's the secret to getting the factory Ford CD player to read burned discs? I tried two different brands of disc media and neither one of them reads. However, it plays commercial audio CDs just fine.

Is it bitrate of the MP3s, or is it reflectivity of the media? Why would Ford offer MP3 capability on a player that cannot read burned media?

I'd probably eventually do air filter, plugs, transmission fluid, front and rear differential, and transfer case fluids. But this can all be done by the by....nothing to keep you from driving it right now.

If its not broke don't fix it! If you are not seeing or hearing or for that matter feeling anything wrong with this vehicle then drive it, And Enjoy!

My wife just bought a 2006 Explorer. The dealer made a selling point of the MP3 capability of the built in CD player. So I popped in one of my many MP3 CDs that I play in my other Explorer (Dynam) and not one of the discs is recognized. It sits there for over a minute and finally ejects it with 'BAD DISC' in the display.

What's the secret to getting the factory Ford CD player to read burned discs? I tried two different brands of disc media and neither one of them reads. However, it plays commercial audio CDs just fine.

Is it bitrate of the MP3s, or is it reflectivity of the media? Why would Ford offer MP3 capability on a player that cannot read burned media?

I have no problem using mp3 CD's that I have burned!

You could put In a aftermarket deck that's what I did

My wife just bought a 2006 Explorer. The dealer made a selling point of the MP3 capability of the built in CD player. So I popped in one of my many MP3 CDs that I play in my other Explorer (Dynam) and not one of the discs is recognized. It sits there for over a minute and finally ejects it with 'BAD DISC' in the display.

What's the secret to getting the factory Ford CD player to read burned discs? I tried two different brands of disc media and neither one of them reads. However, it plays commercial audio CDs just fine.

Is it bitrate of the MP3s, or is it reflectivity of the media? Why would Ford offer MP3 capability on a player that cannot read burned media?

Try burning the disc at a slower speed like 4X or 2X.

...What's the secret to getting the factory Ford CD player to read burned discs? I tried two different brands of disc media and neither one of them reads. However, it plays commercial audio CDs just fine...

Only problem I've ever had was the inability to find music in 2nd level sub directories. You can have an Album directory full of MP3s, but an artist directory with album sub directories will yield no files found. I use cheapo media with various bit rates, no problem.
