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Just calculated...

i bet my X get 9 City.... 12 15 highway TOPS. thats with 35's though....

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Haha...that's probably why.

I've got a suggestion. Lets make a seperate page on this site so we can record our MPG's online. what do you guys think?

Mine varies from 18-21 at varying speeds.

Gas around the metroplex and at school is 1.39 for 87.

My X gets the second worst MPG than any of the 3 cars I've owned. the first (best car, thirsty though) was my '76 Chevelle with it's economy minded 305 and 2 barrel carb it got 14-18 no matter how fast I drove it. :D I miss that car. it was fast (after some minor mods) comfy and stealthy.

the second was an 86 Pontiac 6000 STE (it's Special, not really :p )and it would get up to 30 and low around 15. I drove it till the frontend was about to fall out from under it and scored a screaming deal on my X. that 6000 handled well for a FWD "Euro" sedan.

I kinda like that MPG section

it costs about $55-65 to fill my tank
and I get about 400km to a tank

When I got gas a couple days ago it cost $1.19 for 87. But that was by my house. Once I actually got into town and was by my school, the gas cost $1.21. I saved 2 cents/gallon by getting gas outside of the city :D

By the way, I like the idea of an online MPG record keeping track of device

Over the past 6 months:

Miles - 4711.6
Gallons - 282.32
MPG - 16.7

Before engine survice (first 4 months):

MPG - 16.1

After SOHC engine service for the timing tensioner and intake manifold gaskets, a superchip and 93 octane gas (last 2 months):

MPG - 17.8

I guess I like excel too. :confused:

I've had two explorers now.... a 95 eddie bauer xlt and my new 2000. The same motor other than slight mods right? (lighter pistons and whatnot... but now I average 19mpg highway, and about 16-17mpg when I spend a lot of time in the city area... I went to South Padre for spring break and got 22 mpg... but I think I was just drunk whilst doin math. Beer+math=inaccuracies.

Originally posted by Shagnasty

That explains my final exam grade!!!

Just kidding guys :D

i'm at my girlfriend's house right now in NY. From Boston to the vince lombardi service station in NJ is 220 miles. I filled up only 11 gal from the service station for an avrage of 20 MPG. I used my mom's 94 XLT.

It really sucks because when i use my 98 sport, i get only bout 14 mpg. i'm not driving differantly, so i don't know what is going on. I doubt my mom's has 4.10 gears, while my sport does. But that coulden't account for a 6 MPG drop! if anything mine should be better because it is more areo-dynamic and has 16" wheels.

Originally posted by unabonked
I doubt my mom's has 4.10 gears, while my sport does. But that coulden't account for a 6 MPG drop! if anything mine should be better because it is more areo-dynamic and has 16" wheels.

The gears as well as the larger ( I assume ) tire footprint do indeed cost you MPG.

Well...just updated my spreadsheet. Now it's from 7/15/01 to 11/16/02 and here're the numbers:

Total Fuel Used (gal): 1685.029

Total Fuel Used ($): $2,046.78

Average MPG: 16.13

Max MPG: 18.31

Min MPG: 14.02

Max Gasoline Price/Gal: 1.419

Min Gasoline Price/Gal: 0.939

Miles Tallied: 27340

I started checking mine when I got my PDA. I was getting low 16 mpg and I drive 30 miles a day to/from work.

I put in fuel injection cleaner and with a full tank. I drove 2.5 hrs each way to/from my wheel'n spot. Got stuck twice. Once really bad. And my gas mileage went up to 17.4. Can't wait to see what it'll be with just highway miles.

I also calculated my est. monthly cost for gas and I'm at about $146 a month and drove close to 30k miles last year.

man i wish i could average 145 dollars a month in gas.. this summer is was spending close to that on my explorer and my boat every week. about 45 to fill up my boat and 100 dollars of fill ups during the week. luckily im in my downtime so im only doin like a tank a week. but once ski season starts up agian (friday) im gonna be back to fillin up twice to three times a week..

The lowest I ever saw gas was right after 9/11 at $.76 a gallon. Lately its been around, 1.15, but I just filled up for 1.02. i like georgia!

Originally posted by aldive
I get about 21 in town and up to 30 on the highway. Average about 25 doing 75 MPH.
ok this doesn't sound possible. What's the secret?

BTW, I'm averaging 14mpg on my 4.0 '02 Limited mixed highway and stop and go traffic but I expect that to rise as it breaks in.

like was mentioned earlier beer + math = inaccuracies, rgiles

Originally posted by redShift
The lowest I ever saw gas was right after 9/11 at $.76 a gallon. Lately its been around, 1.15, but I just filled up for 1.02. i like georgia!

Wow. I remember right on 9/11 it went up really high, but after I don't think it ever dropped below $0.80. Now we're about $1.45 - $1.55 I can never keep track

Originally posted by DeagleDave
like was mentioned earlier beer + math = inaccuracies, rgiles
Ok now I get it :confused:

hehe there ya go!

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Originally posted by redShift
Lately its been around, 1.15, but I just filled up for 1.02. i like georgia!

Where'd you get it for $1.02?!?!?! :eek:

I'm in Georgia, and the last time I filled up (Saturday) it was $1.249 :mad:

Alright, well, I really like Billy's idea and I started doing a Spreadsheet kinda like that. My data:

Dates: 8.27.02 - 11.16.02

Total Fuel: 240.62 gallons

Total Fuel: $741.67

Average MPG: 14.8

Max MPG: 16.3

Min MPG: 13.6

Max Price: $1.359

Min Price: $1.199

Miles Tallied: 3318.8
