Just drove 200 miles on blown head gasket, now HELP ME REBUILD! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just drove 200 miles on blown head gasket, now HELP ME REBUILD!


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2007
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1994 navajo
Just got back from Cincinnati and the navajo really scared me on this one. As soon as we got in the city it was blowing clouds. On the interstate it was absolutely perfect, good temperature and no smoke with plenty of power (which i dont understand if it has a blown headgasket) Anyway, I want to rebuild, I know the gasket is blown and I will get the heads checked for cracks at a local shop. Where is a good place to buy "cheap" heads? I would like to find some stronger than stock and at a decent price. I would hate to spend more on heads than the truck is worth. Is there a full kit somewhere with the bolts and heads together? Also, are there any step by step on how to perform a head/headgasket repair? I cant believe after all the blown gaskets that no one has done a walkthrough. Thanks in advance.

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Not so many responses at once please, I cant sort though all this info! hahaha

Ok, well i got a felpro gasket set and head bolts, and i am in the middle of tearing down the engine. I am wondering, there is a block on the back of the ac compressor where the hoses go in. Do i have to be worried about pressure still being in those lines 24hrs after the navajo was last driven? If so, can i purge the system using the schrader valve near the condensor?

sweet guys thanks, my first fail thread

youre not supposed to release the 134a into the autmosphere, but I wont tell,lol. but you do need to releive the system before undoing ANY a/c lines. I'm almost done rebuilding my motor from a blown head gasket, so I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. PM me if you like :)
