Just got 13 Sport in Ruby Red | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just got 13 Sport in Ruby Red


March 8, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
San Rafael, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Sport
We went out on President's weekend and couldn't find a red Sport. Started looking for one on the west coast and couldn't find one. Ended up ordering one through Flemington Ford in New Jersey and just took delivery at Journey Ford (courtesy delivery for $300) last week.

AWESOME, awesome, awesome car. I like it so much, I'm considering buying another Ford.

Adaptive cruise control exceeded my expectations by a long shot. I'm still figuring out Sync, but it's merits outweigh a few bugs.

About the only bad thing I can say is that the exterior trim pieces are horrible! They fit poorly and have needless seems in the most visible places. I'd buy another in an instant, but Ford should take more care in the future if they really want to pull in the European buyers (me).

Bravo Ford!

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and I thought I widen my scope to find the wife's sport and my truck ?!?!

you went about as far as you could :)

I have to agree wholeheartedly with your observations. I just picked up my Silver Sport this week and made many of the same observations. I didn't get the adaptive cruise control but I wish I did. The Sync is very interesting to me as a tech guy and works for the most part but definitely has some bugs. For example my phone is paired and I can dial out using the touch screen but voice command reports that a phone is not paired. It is interesting you made the same observations about the exterior trim. It is most noticeable on the A pillar. The black plastic used to wrap the A piller has rough edges and is thick so it does not meet with the metal well. Even the black vs. silver paint in the same area are not flush and you can easily feel the transition as you run your finger across it. This is my first Ford and I would say I'm very happy with the car so far. I cross shopped this car with a Porsche Cayenne and at the end of the day, I like the value and performance of the Sport and the 3rd row seating as well. It also helped that the styling is better than 80% of the available 3 row SUVs out there. That is, of course, something very subjective.

I also took delivery of a new 13 Silver Sport this week and for the most part loving it. Still learning the touch screen, etc.

I did notice that my hood letters were applied off center, which I found pretty annoying that they did not catch that in quality control. Since I was planning on removing them anyway, not a big deal. I did find a small ding on the top of my passenger side door, but I noticed it when I got back from the dealer and already had signed the delivery papers. Not sure if it's worth mentioning it to the dealer.

Otherwise it's been really fun to drive.....only problem is whenever I look down at the speedo, I'm going way too fast. :)

We went out on President's weekend and couldn't find a red Sport. Started looking for one on the west coast and couldn't find one. Ended up ordering one through Flemington Ford in New Jersey and just took delivery at Journey Ford (courtesy delivery for $300) last week.

AWESOME, awesome, awesome car. I like it so much, I'm considering buying another Ford.

Adaptive cruise control exceeded my expectations by a long shot. I'm still figuring out Sync, but it's merits outweigh a few bugs.

About the only bad thing I can say is that the exterior trim pieces are horrible! They fit poorly and have needless seems in the most visible places. I'd buy another in an instant, but Ford should take more care in the future if they really want to pull in the European buyers (me).

Bravo Ford!

Very nice! I am waiting on a ruby red sport myself. Order date 31 March with an estimated delviery of 1 June. How long did you have to wait?

Post some picsss..Good luck and enjoy it in good health. Congrats!


...AWESOME, awesome, awesome car...

I have to agree wholeheartedly with your observations. I just picked up my Silver Sport this week and made many of the same observations...

I also took delivery of a new 13 Silver Sport this week and for the most part loving it...

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MaXberN - I honestly forget the exact time. It was 6-8 weeks. I knew someone was going to ask;)
