Just installed CompuStar Alarm, need to disable stock security | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just installed CompuStar Alarm, need to disable stock security


December 10, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Vancouver, B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT, 2018 XLT
I just installed a CompuStar 2way into the truck.

Its a great system, except that when I lock the truck when the doors are still open, it turns on the factory alarm, when I come back out and unlock the doors the factory system doesnt unlock and the alarm goes off on me.... Please help!

Ive looked for a Black/Green wire in the Dr kick panel and see a few of them. Grounding them dont seem to help...

(Im driving a 97 xlt)

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So no one has installed an aftermarket alarm in their truck?

Does your stock alarm still engage when you Lock the truck with a Door Open?

Does it disengage when you use your alarm to Unlock your Truck?

I didn't find a way to disable it... Maybe I didn't look hard enough lol :p:

So you have the same issue? When you lock your truck with the door open it enables the factory alarm?

Ive read that there is a black/green wire which disables it, I would love to disable the whole damn system. Plus I really really really want my DOORPAD TO WORK

If I understand correctly, the door lock triggers the arm on the factory "alarm" but the unlock does not disarm it, so if you unlock with the aftermarket remote, the factory alarm still honks the horn.
For what my buddy at the shop told me, the aftermarket alarms have a current sensor, so if you press the door keypad, the sensor picks that up and triggers the siren.

Only way I saw this would work per another post that I did not try, is by buying a Code Alarm made for Ford, that integrates the keypad.

Now on both my 97 and my 02 I have aftermarket alarms and on the 02 you can disarm the factory one, but not on my 97, no idea why...

So you have the same issue? When you lock your truck with the door open it enables the factory alarm?

Ive read that there is a black/green wire which disables it, I would love to disable the whole damn system. Plus I really really really want my DOORPAD TO WORK

Factory Disarm is Dark Green/Purple (-) in Driver's Kick Panel.

From this link 1997 Ford Explorer Alarm Information
I dont know how you got it to arm. Didnt think that was possible.

Yea just spoke to compustar

dr gr/ pu(truck) - or/whi(alarm)

BTW the link doesn't work for me.

Hopefully this works, then my only issue is the keypad

My 97 rolls the windows up upon arming :) Haven't found a need for them to roll down

Awesome!! How did you do that???

Window roll up interface from Ebay ~20bux, you hook it up to the ignition kill via a relay and on arm the windows roll up, I got the 2 window module, since it's a sport
