Just received KKM in the mail.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just received KKM in the mail..


Well-Known Member
September 24, 2000
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1995 Sport 2wd
Today I received my KKM True Rev Induction intake today in the mail, and it looks like just the filter part? Is this all its supposed to be or is there supposed to be like a pipe with it or somethin? Let me know, thanks


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just the filter...it connects to your stock mass air sensor so there is no pipe that goes with it. I am pleased with mine though just to reassure you.

K thanks, I was a little worried for a sec! I'll let you know how everything goes after I put it on tomorrow


i was a little worried about just getting the filter too, just got mine today. what a pain in the ass to install though. is it just me, or is it a tight fit to get that filter to fit in the space? it seems like there is a lot of stress where the pipe connects to the throttle body because of the tight fit. is that normal?

I just got and installed mine today. I didn't notice any stress or anything but the hardest part was definitly using the mounting brackets and making them fit but other then that it was pretty easy. If anyone wants to see pics let me know and I will take some.

4wheelin, I wouldnt mind seeing some pictures, i'm installing (at least trying to!) the kit tomorrow. Hopefully it wont be too hard! How long does it usually take to install? Thanks


Here is a couple of pics of mine if it helps you:

Dead Link Removed Dead Link Removed

I only used one of the brackets. I did not feel the need to use both of mine. It is a very tight fit! Such a tight fit that by using the one bracket in a straight vertical position that it held perfectly. The bracket kept it up away from my alternator pulley and the tight fit on the sides held it in place from moving side to side. Took me about 20 minutes to figure out where I wanted to drill the hole to mount the bracket as I was trying every angle. Some angles looked great but then my MAF sensor wanted to pull away from my air intake hose so I had to try it again. But other than that it all went pretty easy!!

I think I did mine in an hour and a half but I am also not the quickest when it comes to working on cars. It is raining here so I will try and post pics of it tomorrow depending on the weather.

Well me and some friends installed it today, not too hard once we figured out what we were actually doing lol. At first i started it up and it sounded the same and i felt disappointed, but as soon as i stepped on the gas while driving all that disappointment went away. It sounds great. I'm not sure about better performance, i cant really feel a difference in acceleration, but i think it did something cuz a friend of mine with a stang that usually beats me ran even with me today, so I am impressed, well worth the $100!


Originally posted by Slick
I'm not sure about better performance, i cant really feel a difference in acceleration, but i think it did something cuz a friend of mine with a stang that usually beats me ran even with me today, so I am impressed, well worth the $100!


If you didn't reset your computer, be sure to do it to achieve the maximum performance gain.

Good luck....

I just cleaned mine last night! I have had it for I think two years now. Its the second time I have cleaned it. It was sooooo black and gooky... LOL I love it though!

Do you have to use the "kit" that they sell to clean it or is there a home remedy to clean it??

Well what I did was buy the K&N cleaner stuff. This was before they sold their kit on the KKM page. Mine was sooooo dirty that I took the garden hose and hosed it out for a LONG time then I let it dry, then follow the instructions with the kit.

Aldive, how do I reset my computer?? Thanks


You simply disconnect your negative battery cable for a short time period. If you had it disconnected while you were installing your KKM then it has already been reset to accept the KKM. If you did not have it disconnected then simply disconnect it for a short time period and then re-connect.

Some say a short battery disconnect will do the trick, wwhereas others say to disconnect for several hours. I generally disconnect overnight when doing anything to my Explorer.

Good luck....
