Key doesn't work on either of my explorer hatches | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Key doesn't work on either of my explorer hatches


December 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Victoria, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLS
So I own 2 2000 explorers. One I use for work, the other I use for personal stuff. When I got my first one I quickly noticed that the key won't work in the hatch lock - it won't even turn. I thought this was odd...

When I got my second X, I discovered the exact same thing! How is this possible / what is going on here?? Keys work in all other locks. Is this some weird valet option or something? Super annoying since the hatch actuator is on the way out and doesn't always unlock and I can't manually unlock it!

I currently have the panel off to replace the hatch actuator and am wondering if there is anything I can do to fix this? Take it to a locksmith and get it re-keyed if that is even possible?


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I have this same exact issue. Looking forward to see someone chime in with a resolution.

i had the same problem on my driver's door. key would not budge. i sprayed in the key hole with some WD40 and worked it back and forth. works great now.

Get some lock graphite, it is a liquid squirt bottle. Follow the directions and give it a shot. Had to do this to our 2000 Merc. People use the fob and the lock cylinders get all gummed up. Heck I never even got a door key with my lumina when it was bought used..... should probably do something about that.....

So it's finally working! I messed around with it for ages with wd40 and finally pulled it and took it to the locksmith. I even tried it as I sat it the parking spot out front if the shop. So I take it in and explain how the key won't turn. The guy slip the key in, a bunch of dirt tumbles out and he turns the key. SO EMBARASSING! Must have loosened it up for him! :p

I put it all back in and replaced the actuator at the same time. I can unlock the liftgate with my key now! However the button won't push all the way in now so I can't open the glass with key or fob. Ah well. I'll keep messing with it but I really can't see what's wrong.

My 2000 wouldn't unlock any door or hatch with the key. I assumed it had a replacement ignition so I pulled the door cylinder out while I had the door apart for other repairs. I planned to have it reset to the ign key but I noticed that with the cylinder in the vise inserting the key didn't move some of the tumblers so I hit it with some WD-40 then a small hammer:D. Then it began working with the key poorly but working. So continued spraying and turning till it worked smooth. Then attacked the other tumblers in the hatch and door and got those working. Probably just as was stated above, using the remotes and not turning the tumblers for years.


Just had the same issue, sprayed in some graphite powder. It unlocks now with key, still can not use key to lock but half way there

They get used so rarely that they tend to seize up. It's important every now and again to use them and to keep them lubricated....

We're still talking about locks right?
