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Keyless Entry Dead


January 27, 2004
City, State
Shawnee, Ks
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 4.6L V8
My keyless entry on my 02 quit working. The keypad works, all doors lock and unlock fine when using buttons inside, I've tested the remotes, put new batteries and retested at the parts store, indicating that they are working OK. I've tried the reprogram procedure and everything works as it should (door lock/unlock signaling it is ready to reprogram, etc.) except when I press the buttons on the remotes, nothing happens, like it isn't receiving a signal, from either remote. Any ideas?

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Could it be a fuse? In looking at chilton's looks like 2 or 3 fuses feed the main control unit, wondered if one of them supports the radio receiver portion that gets the signal from the wireless key fob? Where is the main control unit and or the relays located?

Mine does this when I try to program a new remote. The old one stops working and I can never get the new one to work either. Disconnecting the battery for 10 mins usually does the trick for me.

CB900fguy: what is the reprogram procedure? My auto headlights, auto seat, remote and inside door locks and liftgate release all quit working all at once. When it was a week old, this happened and the dealer fixed it saying that it had to be reprogrammed. Now well out of warranty, it's happened again. On the system diagnostics display on the dash, it says 'data error' for all of these features. I'd sure like to use them again. I can't even adjust the driver's seat position like it is now. The dealer wants $200 to check it out and reprogram it. This is on an '02 Eddie Bauer, 4.6L. Thanks in advance!

The recommendation to disconnect the battery did the trick for me, thanks!!!!

DavidS, I don't know if this is your problem as I never got an error message and my electric seat adjustment worked OK.

Here is what you could do to give it a try for free. Make sure you have all of your key fobs available and in the car with you when you do this procedure. By the way, this procedure is in your manual too if you have it.

1) Disconnect the battery for 10 minutes and then reconnect (clears out any residual programming problems)
2) Get into the truck, close the door and make sure all doors are unlocked.
3) Insert your key and turn it from off to on (not to start, just to the on position) rapidly 8 times and after the 8th, the locks should lock and unlock automatically indicating it is ready to be programmed, leave the key in the ON position.
4) Press any of the buttons on the first key fob and the locks should lock/unlock automatically indicating that it received the signal and programmed the system for that fob. Now press any key on the second key fob and the same thing should happen. Now turn off the key and you should be set.
5) Give it a try.

cb900fguy, thanks. Worked perfectly!

Had the same issue and this resolved it. Thanks!!
