keypad not workiong | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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keypad not workiong


Active Member
June 29, 2010
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02 Mountaineer V8
Hi gang, my keypad hasn't work in quite while. any thoughts?

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Clarify not working. Code doesn't work or keypad completely dead, as in it doesn't light up when you press any random button?

Hmmm...I'm going through the shop manual and I can't seem to find any circuit details other than the keypad is fed off the Body Security Module and is normally open. I'm assuming that by doesn't light up and not working you've confirmed it's just not the bulb burnt out. May be time for a new one, I'd check out to see if it is replaceable.

NEVERMIND, found it. Here's the diagram for the switch. Probably broken wire in the door, like so many others.

BTW, can anybody suggest a decent host for pdf files?

Hmmm...I'm going through the shop manual and I can't seem to find any circuit details other than the keypad is fed off the Body Security Module and is normally open. I'm assuming that by doesn't light up and not working you've confirmed it's just not the bulb burnt out. May be time for a new one, I'd check out to see if it is replaceable.

NEVERMIND, found it. Here's the diagram for the switch. Probably broken wire in the door, like so many others.

BTW, can anybody suggest a decent host for pdf files?

You know, the guys on this forum are the most dedicated guys. They're always there to help. Just though I would let you all know :)

You know, the guys on this forum are the most dedicated guys. They're always there to help. Just though I would let you all know :)

Thank you!

LukeOmalley, here are some threads that may help out with troubleshooting broken wires in the boot between the driver's door and the body:

Here is a great thread for removing the door panel, thanks to borland for the awesome write-up:

Here is a great thread for checking for broken/damaged wires, thanks to synyster for this awesome write-up:

My keypad is vertical on the door pillar and it's pretty easy to remove. Let me know if you need help removing yours.

Hope this helps out!

You guys are great. I address the keypad next week along with my faulty window switch located on the drivers door. the switch is for the front passenger window.

I thank you all.

You guys are great. I address the keypad next week along with my faulty window switch located on the drivers door. the switch is for the front passenger window.

I thank you all.

Be sure to check for broken/damaged wires before you assume the switch is bad. If all else fails:

Here is a great link for troubleshooting the power windows, thanks to theofam for this great link Dead Link Removed

OP - do any of the buttons work on the keypad?

The top button on my door keypad doesn't work. I just assumed it was a burned out keypad but haven't replaced it yet.

none of my buttons work, and nor do they illuminate. I'm going top address the keypad and window switch in a few weeks.

I just had the same problem. I pulled the boot out like was suggested and found three wires totally cut in half. Repaired them and all is well again. :)
