last and final question about exhausts. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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last and final question about exhausts.


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June 12, 2010
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ok so after much debate ive decided to use either a flowmaster super 40 or a flow master super 44.

If i get the super 40 ill run dual in dual out. my question is what size pipe and what size inlets and outlets would give me the best sound and performance? I know everyone has their own theory but whats the general consensus?

If i get the super 44 ill have to run a y pipe because they only come in single in dual out. Would having to run a y pipe be stupid idea?

Thanks for any and all input guys.

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i got single in and dual out 40 series flowmasters on my 01 sport and they are 2 1/2 inch tips.

but i wanna get true duals eventually.

ok so after much debate ive decided to cut off my secondary cats, and use either a flowmaster super 40 or a flow master super 44.

If i get the super 40 ill run dual in dual out. my question is what size pipe and what size inlets and outlets would give me the best sound and performance? I know everyone has their own theory but whats the general consensus?

If i get the super 44 ill have to run a y pipe because they only come in single in dual out. Would having to run a y pipe be stupid idea?

Thanks for any and all input guys.

V-6? V-8?? any engine mods? If you have a 6, PLEASE PLEASE do NOT try to make it sound like a V-8 with the 40 or 44! It will sound like bumble bee in a fart can! If you have an 8, then I would still stay away from the 40 series unless you don't mind the inside engine drone. If you have a V-8, and are cutting off second cats, go 2.5" pipe. A good shop can bump it up right after cat and you will get better tone and a little performance. But if you absolutely want and need the 40 or 44, you could always go get a piece of 16 gauge sheet metal wrap the muffler with it and that would cut down on drone inside the vehicle. A friend of mine did that and its like having double the thickness of the muffler walls. He had the shop weld it in place around it. But, you cannot go wrong with good old fashioned glass packs. They have awesome flow, and you can get different sounds by the length of the packs you choose. Shorter= louder and rappier. Longer= more growl deeper note. I have medium length packs and it sounds awesome. But, I also have Magnaflow cats in all 4 spots.

V-6? V-8?? any engine mods? If you have a 6, PLEASE PLEASE do NOT try to make it sound like a V-8 with the 40 or 44! It will sound like bumble bee in a fart can! If you have an 8, then I would still stay away from the 40 series unless you don't mind the inside engine drone. If you have a V-8, and are cutting off second cats, go 2.5" pipe. A good shop can bump it up right after cat and you will get better tone and a little performance. But if you absolutely want and need the 40 or 44, you could always go get a piece of 16 gauge sheet metal wrap the muffler with it and that would cut down on drone inside the vehicle. A friend of mine did that and its like having double the thickness of the muffler walls. He had the shop weld it in place around it. But, you cannot go wrong with good old fashioned glass packs. They have awesome flow, and you can get different sounds by the length of the packs you choose. Shorter= louder and rappier. Longer= more growl deeper note. I have medium length packs and it sounds awesome. But, I also have Magnaflow cats in all 4 spots.

wow thanks for the info, and yes it is a 5.0 v8! haha i would never put this kind of money into a v6 exhaust. 2.5 piping seems to be the way to go. im thinking of 2.5 piping into the super 40 then 2.5 out with 3" thinking this would sound awesome.

now with glass packs, can you run 2 of them so it will be true dual? i want a loud deep tone, that sounds like a v8.

I have dual in, dual out flomasters on my v8 with 3.5" tips, not quite as loud as you would think but you can here it before you see it.

I have dual in, dual out flomasters on my v8 with 3.5" tips, not quite as loud as you would think but you can here it before you see it.

well what flowmaster do you have? and do you still have your cats?

wow thanks for the info, and yes it is a 5.0 v8! haha i would never put this kind of money into a v6 exhaust. 2.5 piping seems to be the way to go. im thinking of 2.5 piping into the super 40 then 2.5 out with 3" thinking this would sound awesome.

now with glass packs, can you run 2 of them so it will be true dual? i want a loud deep tone, that sounds like a v8.

Thats why they call it true duals. I have TMH's that come down to the 1st cat, then into the second. Both Magnaflow and HI-FLOW! Then, they run into a single glass pack on each side. So 4 cylinders go thru one and 4 thru the other. Hence... true duals! I do not have a X pipe or H pipe. I would like one but time and $$ are limiting me. I have 2-21or 24" OVERALL length packs on it. It has a nice sound with NO pop when I rev it. I wish I had an digital sound recorder to put on the site.

if i was to get true dual super 44 that would probably be pretty loud wouldnt it?

well im pretty set on 2.5 pipe to dual in super 40 dual out 2.5 piping to 3" tips..i think its gonna be bad ass.
