Later Model Stock Radio Upgrades with Bluetooth AUX | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Later Model Stock Radio Upgrades with Bluetooth AUX


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April 22, 2016
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2001 Mercury Mountaineer
Our 1998 Mountaineer has the radio pictured below, and has the factory subwoofer. I have seen different newer style radios installed in older trucks (primarily Super Duty) so I assume this can be done here. I know that some will say just get an aftermarket radio. I might agree except the primary drivers of this vehicle are a little older and they really dislike aftermarket radios that are not easy to figure out. So, my question is what newer model factory Ford radio will have and AUX port and Bluetooth for hands free calling. It also needs to have green illumination.


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If you have the radio pictured and the display has gone blank (which they all do eventually) you can get it repaired for around $100 at They will also modify the power board so that it is less likely the display will go out again.

I have this same radio in my 2001 Explorer EB, which has the 6-disc CD changer and the AMP/Sub woofer in the rear. The previous owner had the radio repaired when the display went out. I've had the truck for 7 years and display still works fine.

I believe they can also add a AUX port to the radio. IDK about Bluetooth though.

We are looking to add more than just AUX. Bluetooth it what we are really looking for and we need a hands free microphone as well.

We are looking to add more than just AUX. Bluetooth it what we are really looking for and we need a hands free microphone as well.

Try Crunchfield. Whatever is available in aftermarket radio/sound systems, they will know about it.

I'm not looking for an aftermarket radio for this particular vehicle. My folks drive it and they absolutely hate those style radios and always have.

The display was blank, but the Dorman replacement board fixed that problem.

I'm not looking for an aftermarket radio for this particular vehicle. My folks drive it and they absolutely hate those style radios and always have.

The display was blank, but the Dorman replacement board fixed that problem.

I know you said you don't want a new radio, but there are several considerations when trying to put a newer Ford radio in an older vehicle.

Will it fit the hole in the dash (double DIN)?
Will it be correctly/safely retained in the dash?
What about the electrical connections?
What about supporting existing vehicle functions? AMP, Sub woofer, steering wheel mounted controls, CD changer, power antenna (if so equipped)?

I highly doubt you're going to find a more modern Ford radio with AUX input and Bluetooth that's going to be plug-n-play in your 17 year old 2001 Mountaineer. There's no law that says an auto manufacturer needs to make parts backward compatible. Happy hunting.

I've seen older 1999-2002 F250 and F350 Super Duty trucks with newer Ford radios in them. I've also seen Rangers with fairly new looking radios. There has to be something from a slightly newer vehicle that will work. A new aftermaket radio is just out of the question in this situation

In the past I have read a few posts on some classic car forums about places that you can send an older car stereo off to and they will upgrade some of the internals and add these features. Does anyone have experience with this type of thing? Now that I am interested in this and did some searching, I have not found a place that does this.

So I personally prefer the look of stock. And I know there are professional radio Bluetooth kits out there with adapters to get everything I want if I take it to a Radio Shop but I did not want to do that. So this is the solution I came up with. I bought the parts about 3 months ago but haven't taken the half a day to install it. It could be changed around for how you want it. IE: AUX vs Bluetooth and you could substitute a stand alone GPS instead of a fast charger. My reason for the fast charger is this. I use my phone for GPS. So with this Bluetooth option I can set a destination for google maps, have it tell me where to go while in the background and also open IHeartRadio and listen to my favorite radio stations from there. So I then have an integrated Radio/GPS that dampens volume for directions while keeping the vehicle looking stock with minimum items on the dash as possible.

The I-Simple goes between the radio and antenna plug, its just a FM Bypass. Then you connect the Bluetooth MPOW adapter. That allows Bluetooth threw the FM Bypass.

I-Simple - IS31






Hmm. This looks like an interesting alternative. Might be worth considering.

Bluetooth for hands free calling, you can just get one of those lighter outlet powered widgets. Some link to cellphone for music playback and/or have a mSD card for MP3/etc audio file playback, but I don't know if any have an Aux in mechanical jack... maybe.

However one issue with them is, at least on my '98, that the lighter outlet is always powered so you'd either have to unplug and replug it, wire a switch into the lighter circuit, or rewire the lighter power to turn off with ignition or aux off.
