leak/overheating issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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leak/overheating issue


July 26, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Somerville, Ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 Xlt
Hi everybody

i have an 07 ex with the v6 and for the past week or so ive been finding spots in my driveway also when i am drving the fan seems to kick on alot and my temp gauge will spike then decrease back to the normal range then spike again i know that there are issues with the radiator from this year but could it be a thermostat issue as well?

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Could also be the thermostat housing.
Did you have a look under the car to look where the fluid comes from?
You can easily see if it comes from the radiator.

The spike in temperature indicates air flowing past the temperature sending unit and then back to a normal flow of coolant. Like Lukas said, you need to pop the hood and track the leak down because there are several areas that it could be coming from. And top off the radiator with filtered water (if you don't have anything else) before you run it empty and the engine overheats.

The spike in temperature indicates air flowing past the temperature sending unit and then back to a normal flow of coolant. Like Lukas said, you need to pop the hood and track the leak down because there are several areas that it could be coming from. And top off the radiator with filtered water (if you don't have anything else) before you run it empty and the engine overheats.

luckily i had some prestone at the house and was able to top off, loked around and found a possible location

i also checked the thermostat housing as well it had some crud aound it

Your picture indicates that the coolant could be coming from the upper left hand corner in the picture of whatever that is. Nevermind, your drip patterns look exactly like the ones that Lukas linked to which is just the bottom of the radiator housing. Looks like you need to replace the radiator and while you are at it put a new cap, thermostat, and thermostat o-ring in.
