LED conversion with a serious problem! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LED conversion with a serious problem!

If someone can help me with this I will be very thankful, I was working on my explorer 96 last week, I converted to led the old bulbs of the defroster,rear wiper and cruise control, After I did it, something was going on with the battery, the warning light of battery appears and the pointer on the cluster drops below the normal, is it a normal thing when using leds? or a problem with the voltage level? because the battery sends 12 v, but then i THINK the resistor reduces to 3.3 v RIGHT?? gilberman25@hotmail.com

I dont think LEDs would cause that...check your battery cables, make sure theres no corrosion, check your alternator connections, and little stuff like that.

When idling, you should be getting anywhere from 14-15v, usually about 14.5

Did you convert the ALT light to LED? the alternator regulator is turned on by sensing the voltage through the ALT LIGHT. Putting a LED in its place may not allow charging. I thought FORD put a 330 ohm resistor across the lamp so it would work in case the lamp burned out. If not there, that would fix the problem. As always, messing under a dash can cause problems.

As mentioned by Brian are you sure your alternator is functioning right and your battery is good?
Doesnt sound like anything you have done so far is going to cause the light.
