LED lightbar for my grille guard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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LED lightbar for my grille guard

Last week, I replaced my KC Daylighters on my grille guard with a 21" 7200 lumen LED bar. The KC's had HID's in them but they had failed twice since I got them in 2011. So instead of replacing the HID's for a third time I just went ahead and replaced them altogether.

The first thing I had to do was measure where I was going to mount the bar as I had to drill new holes for the brackets. After doing that I drilled I believe two 5/16" holes. I started with my smallest drillbit and worked my way up until the bolts fit. Unfortunately I don't have any photos as I was pressed for time before work and I'm impatient and didn't want to wait until the next day.

After I had the holes drilled I mounted the light to the grille guard. That took about three minutes. To power the light, I used the existing wiring that I used for the KC's. For this, I used yellow for the supply to the relay and green for ground.


I ran both wires behind the headlight on the passenger side and out to where the air intake is. There was an existing ground located there so I just ran the ground to it.


The supply wire I ran into the front quarter panel around the shield for the air intake and back out to the relay.


Here is the finished product..

Lit up during the day..

Taken at night, LED bar only

LED bar, HID headlights, HID fog's

LED bar, HID headlights, HID fogs, halogen Hella 500's on the roof

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Remind me not to cut you off.

looks good!

Looks good.

I did same thing on my old Explorer. I also had a couple small ones on my running boards. It is one of those nice to have things.

Looks great on the grille guard there, I'll be doing something very similar in the coming week or so.

Looks GREAT!! Gave me a great idea for my F150 4x4 too. Thanks for sharing.

I would suggest some waterproof connects and/or dielectric grease on your connections.

Not trying to hi-jack your thread but I sell Lifetime LEDs. They now make a dual color (white/amber) if I decide to get a brush guard I might have to try it out. Here is a pic of my old truck.


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That's what I'm talking about. Been wanting something like this for my brush guard for my Ex. How much did you pay for them and what brand is it?

That's what I'm talking about. Been wanting something like this for my brush guard for my Ex. How much did you pay for them and what brand is it?

Which lights? The lower one on my brush guard? It is made by Lifetime LED.

Both sets and price.

The lights on the top are red emergency lights. The lower light is Lifetime. I sell them for $250.

Any specs the lifetime lights? Some of my buddies and I at work have been looking for some but not sure which brand to go with.

Got mine installed finally.
Very happy with the light --they are exceptionally bright!

Here's mine on my 2nd Gen.


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I came to this forum to find out about these light bars.

How much penetration do they have?
Can you/would use them use the sole high beam?

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I can run with just the light bar at night can see a heck of a distance. All dark rural roads around here , these beat my old spots by a mile
