left turn noise weird though!!! help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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left turn noise weird though!!! help


Well-Known Member
October 27, 2004
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City, State
Detroit, MI sometimes Germany
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
I have kinda like grinding sqeaking noise from the front only when the car is warmed up when I turn left. When I brake and keep it also on the gas to get around the corner it doesn't make that noise!!

It doesn't make that noise around a right turn! It really sounds like brakes, but why only in a left turn and not right or at regular braking?

Could it also be the front driveshaft? But why would it go away when I hit the brake?

any ideas? I'd appreciate any little hint!! ;-)

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I just went threw a bunch of crap trying to get rid of a "squeeking " noise comming from the front of my 96X ( left side also) but mine happend all the time whenever the truck hit a bump or the wheels where turned in either direction......

I took it in and had it inspected and was told the ball joints were bad, and could not be greased because they where a sealed unit.( uppers and lowers). I replaced the lowers one weekend and it did not help.

The next weekend I replaced both uppers and the shocks and the squeek went away.

after thinking about the situiation, I think the squeeking noise I had was actually comming from the upper control arm bushings ( wich comes as a single unit with the upper ball joints for the 96s) the old shocks did not make a noise when I moved them by hand after I removed them.... but I replaced them any way because I had 160K on the unit.

I have since went ahead and replaced the outer tie rod ends and put on new rear shocks.

Of corse I have no regrets doing this, except I wish I would of been able to replace the uppers and lowers in the same day.

hope this helps..

Mike N.

thanks for the answer.
I do have already new lower ball joints, because a shop diagnosed bad lower BJs because of a suspension clunking noise. But it was a bad sway bar bushing, what I fixed myself after the clunk didn't go away, when she shop replaced the BJs.

But I have that sqeaking without any bumps and also only when the car is moving in a left turn. When it is standing and I steer to the left, no sqeaking! and the sqeaking/rubbing goes away when the brake is applied and it doesn't make a difference if I still accelerate or not???

I am not sure what is going on with your unit.... I can only tell you what happend to me.

It may be possiable that it only squeeks when the weight of the vehicle is shifted off of the left side. ( explaining your noise while turning to the left but not under a right turn, braking or acceleration situiation)

I put up with my noise for a couple of months untill it pissed me off to the point of spending the time to fix it...rest assured the longer you wait the worse it will get, then you may have better luck in figureing out what it really is :rolleyes:

does it squeek if you push up and down on the left fender / front bumper while parked? If it does I would think it would have to be some sort of a suspension componet.

I know what you mean about having the garage give you a wrong diagnosis....I wish I had a nickel for every time that happend to me :mad:

Good luck.

Mike N.

It doesn't sqeak when I push dwn the fender. And when it makes that noise I think that it varies with the speed. so it has something to do with turning parts!

I am just thinking:
brakes - it should make that noise also when going straight and the pads and discs look good
bearing - same thing
drive shafts - maybe?
what else??

I'm sorry, I really have no clue what it could be. :(

Hope you get it figured out though!

Mike N.

Hub bearing possibly?? My question about this would be on most 2 wheel drive cars when a wheel bearing starts to go bad they normally get real loud and squeal, does this happen on the 4 wheel drive hub bearings or do they just get that grinding sound? I was talking with the manager of the shop that did my tires (full service shop) and I thought he said when a bearing is going bad they typically sound worse when turning a certain direction because it's put under load. If I'm wrong someone please correct me.


You said the front was making the noise, but are you sure? I had a similar problem in my 97 where one of the pads in the e-brake drum got loose and would squeak against the drum when turning right. Turns out the additional weight on the outside wheel of a turn would cause just enough loading to move the pad.

Even if that isn't the issue, it could be something to do with suspension based upon the extra load on the outside wheel or the decreased load on the inside wheel during a turn...

Yeah, that might be an idea, I should check the e-brake, it isn't working since I bought the truck anyway!!
I hope I will find the time to look at it and don't have to bring it to a shop!

Hub bearing? I dont' know how they work, but I would think it is definitely not a wheel bearing!

front suspension noise

My 01 Explorer 4x4 is making a scrunching noise..get out of the vehicle and it scrunches..go around a corner..go left or right and it scrunches..hit a bump..big or small and it scrunches, turn the steering wheel left or riht sitting still and it scrunches..not a metalic screeck or scratching sound but a scrunching sound. I was told ball joints by a local shop..but no wheel wobble..or wandering down the road..goes streight..no drifting..so I talked to the repair guys..I work for FO MO CO in Avon OHAP/Ohio Assembly Plant..they told me to replace the A-arm/ball joint bushings($13 each-4needed) if spraying lythm/sp? grease on them didn"t quiet the noise?? A lot cheaper than the $900 the shop wanted!!


I get a squeek in my 2000 xlt around right hand turns only. I am going to check the e-brake. It is definitely a sound that is oscillating, like something rubbing under pressure. I know its not the following things...

Exhaust rub

Anyone else have a similiar issue?

if the squeeler is going off on one side, it has been my experience that it only does it when you are not braking, sometimes it does follow a directional turn of the wheel...sometimes not. Check the pads, look for the simple stuff first, if you replace BJ's and other parts and it's the pads wouldn't that be a kick in the a$$.

